Hydor Koralia #3

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Merry Christmas all!! Anyway, I'm finally home for a few days. For those who don't know, I'm rarely home anymore, thanks to my job. Angie's had to take on the duties of "Fish Nerd" and learn how to maintain our tanks. When I am home, which is usually a day or two every couple weeks, I attempt to do the more intense maintenance. As I said, I'm finally home for more than a day or two, although it might not be much more...lol. As part of my "home coming," I've been doing some major maintenance on my 75 gallon. I had a TON of Xenia to cut back, I've gotta make more supplements for CA, Alk and Mg., I really need to add a little more live rock to the tank to get some of my SPS closer to the lights, which need new bulbs....and I needed to work on flow.

Well, I got the Xenia trimmed, although there's a load of it floating around in my refugium now. I haven't been able to replace my T5 bulbs yet so took the fixture down, removed each light and cleaned the reflector and bulbs. Still planning on mixing my supplements tonight. I think the best progress I've made was in buying a Hydor Koralia #3 from Aquarium Solutions. I installed it about 30 minutes ago and WOW!!! Amazing improvement. I've been able to remove 2 power heads and now only have my sump returns, the Koralia 3 and a MJ1200 with a Hydor Flo to break up the linear flow some. Oh one thing I should mention for those interested in getting a Koralia....They come packaged with a piece of cardboard between the magnetic base. Either LEAVE that piece of cardboard in there until you're ready to mount or keep the magnetic pieces FAR APART. If you're read this too late....I've got a great solution. It involves a butter knife wedged between the two pieces and a lot of swearing!! That's one strong magnet!!! Oh and a shameless bump for Barbie, great price!!! If you're in the Spokane area and haven't stopped in to visit Barbie...DO SO!!!
Now I just gotta see if I can get rid of some Xenia, clean our my fuge, obtain a few pieces of rock and re-work some aquascaping....all before my boss calls to give me my next destination for parts unknown.
Hey Mike,

Glad to hear you're still in the hobby. I found out the answer to that question I had about FW tanks last night from Aquarium Solutions. I guess flow isn't as important in planted as it is in ours. Turns out that big planted only has flow from a fluval lol.
I didn't think flow was that important in planted FW. It's more important to have a smooth and unbroken surface to retain cO2. Glad Barbie was able to answer your questions. I figured she would...lol.

You do need some flow so that the nutrients in the water are spread all through out the tank. You just don't want a bunch of surface movement because that will cause Co2 loss. That is why Bio-Wheel are bad for planted tanks.