I Appologize..

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
As of late it has been brought to my attention that I have been kinda rude and blunt in a few choice threads on Reef Frontiers..

I would like to publicly apologize to anyone and everyone that I may have offended and or angered..

I get very worked up some times. I am very passionate about some things and spout off my true feelings without thinking of others feelings . I forgot the most important thing and that is RESPECT for others..

For that I apologize..

For those of you that know me, know me. for those of you who haven't met me yet.. I am not quite that aggressive.. HYPER YES, EXCITABLE YES,,, EMOTIONAL YES ...Aggressive.?? FAR FROM IT!!

This may be too little to late for a future friendship of some. So I will take my lumps now and move on..

PLEASE feel free to speak your mind in this thread I will not take offense.. Like I said I will take my lumps now!
Hey man..Sorry to hear you have had a few issues/problems here :doubt:. It's never a good feeling to be caught up in the middle of something regardless of who is right or who is wrong. We are all human and will make mistakes...It is just the nature of the beast. Sometimes our first reaction to something is the wrong one which we sometimes don't realize till the damage has already been done. We live and learn and hopefully can receive forgiveness from the parties involved. If not, well lesson learned and you can do nothing more but move on. I've always been taught to forgive and forget and so I hope that whatever has transpired here can fall on those same grounds. I've never met you personally, but I think you are a good guy. I wouldn't get so down on yourself. It takes a lot to come out like you did and apologize publicly for something which I think says a lot. :)

Good luck with it and good piece of advice I can give to anyone on any forum or discussion board is the written word can easily be taken the wrong way so don't take everything you read to heart as it may not be the persons intentions.

On a side note, I would advise that if anyone has anything bad or negative to say here to Adam or about anyone to please do it in private. We don't want flaming and so forth going on out on the open forum. Threads like this can easily go in the wrong direction so keep it clean or I'm sure the thread will be closed rather quickly :)
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Do you take your coffee with 1 or 2 lumps of sugar? (BTW, Adam doesn't need any more sugar. He already admitted to being hyper)

Adam, you weren't rude...opinionated, yes, rude, no.

It's all good and I really can't see any friendships, past, present of future, being injured at all!!
Hey Adam, I appreciated your open honest (no holds barred ) input. And though we were not necessarily eye to eye on the subject and haven't formally met I'm still looking forward to meeting/ visiting you and Crystal. I was greatly disappointed to not be able to attend the meeting/ BBQ at your place.

I have decided to rejoin PSAS step up my participation and do what I can to increase northend attendance/ membership. We need people like you that share thier passion and generosity the way you have Adam. I posted in the other thread for those who are serious about increased northend involvement to pm me and will organize an informal PSAS northend members meeting to research affordable/ convenient meeting places and who is willing to get more involved. I'm excited to see what will come of a bigger and better PSAS and want to once again thank the mods of Reef Frontiers to keep us all on task here.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. I do believe I am the most hated person on my local club. And I was the one that brought the Grow Out Competitions and Share the love to the group. But I have short patience for some of the other members. Do you think I care? I just take what I do have to offer to other clubs. I tried to do the same here but I guess the whole giving something away with the requirement for whoever gets it to give something away was not approved of here.
Having never been rude, opinionated or disrespectful in my life time I can not relate.:D

Ah we all have our moments, me over the years more then most. Being passionate means you care. So go out their and post your guts out:eek:

its all good

Getting worked up over things only shows that you care.
Some of us beat around the bush or try to sugar coat things.
Others of us just get strait to the point.

From what I've heard you've done great things.
You have several wonderful posts and helped several of us out when we were learning to crawl (Starting the addiction) around this wonderful hobby.

I can't wait to meet you in person someday so I can shake your hand and tell you thanks for your help and knowledge that I've learned from your posts to my problems and other peoples that I have read.

So, until then,

Thank you for all the help you've given me directly and indirectly through your other posts.

P.S. If you would be kind enough to run another grow out competition when I'm home and have a salt water tank (AGAIN) that would be the BOMB DIGGITY!!!!! :party:
Hey Adam, big of you to post this but unnecessary in my opinion.
Like I said before, I can't imagine you anyway other than max-power, it just wouldn't be right.
If anyone gets so bunched-up that they don't wanna play with you anymore, it really is their loss.

I've only met you in person one time. That was when you took your Saturday morning to drive up to Barrier Reef and deliver the frags for the grow out competition (saving a North-Ender a long drive into Tacoma). Something you didn't need to do. Of course this was after you had spent the time to frag everything out and babysit them.

So, what I'm saying is you put yourself out to help people in person and through posts on the forum. I've learned a lot from your posts. It was a pleasure meeting you in person.
I didn't read anything that made me think you owe an apology, but that's just me. We live in a way to PC, and sensitive society anyway. I'll be your friend :razz:!
Homes....passion is a quality and not to be ashamed of...Stand tall....(well,as tall as can be)lol...Dont appologize for being YOU and speaking how you feel...You do so much for the Hobby and Help others..Be Proud of yourself..Not sorry!!
I hate to derail the subject for just a sec, but how do you get in a club like this? As I'm in the area, and you all seem to know each other but I don't know any of you?
I hate to derail the subject for just a sec, but how do you get in a club like this? As I'm in the area, and you all seem to know each other but I don't know any of you?
Join PSAS, or start asking people to come see there tank sometime.. you would be surprised how many people I met from either buying stuff from them, going to PSAS meetings, Barrier Reef sales. and just (in a pm) to hopefully sometime come over and see there tank..
99% of local reefers will HAPPILY have a visitor over to check out there system and goodies and have a nice visit and talk!
Everyone that knows me, knows my door is ALWAYS open for fellow reefers to have a visit and talk..
As long as I am home and awake!
Homes....passion is a quality and not to be ashamed of...Stand tall....(well,as tall as can be)lol...Dont appologize for being YOU and speaking how you feel...You do so much for the Hobby and Help others..Be Proud of yourself..Not sorry!!

Thanks Shane..
And whats Brutus doing on the couch????. you might wanna check to see if he broke any springs LOL