i got stung :/

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
so my parents have had this guy in their 175 tank for about a month now and he does fine except for the occasional hover to the other side of the tank.

well they are out of town and when i checked their tank he was stuck to the overflow vents at the top of the tank

questions are:

1) can somebody ID him?
2) should i worry about the white spots on my hand he left on me?





thanks ;)

& sorry i dont know how to resize images on forums.
Wow I havent seen one of those before. Sorry I cant help. Hope your hand is okay,.
Wow. That is a pretty anemone. Never seen one like it before either. Keep an eye on those stings. They can get worse. Particularly if that is a jelly fish of some sort, I would check with a doctor if it were me.

This is just something I have read. "If there's localized swelling, tenderness or itching, an over-the-counter antihistamine like Benadryl will help. Hydrocortisone cream reduces swelling. Take acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen
for pain. "

Hi Kalristo,

It is a "Actinodendron plumosum" anemone also callec "HELLFIRE ANEMONE" it is known as a fish killer and has one of most powerful stings around should wear protective gloves when handling it is a sand dweller and likes strong light. Good luck and I think vinager would be wise to stop a alergic reaction maybe even Benedryl.

Statement in link below

Purchasing a Hell's Fire Anemone, or any of the 'stinging sea anemones', needs to be made with enough knowledge to protect yourself and your other charges.They have a very different look from anything that is typically sold. They are very poisonous and the sting is very painful, so aquarists be warned and wear gloves when handling this genus.The sting from these anemones can damage and even kill other corals, and the Hell's Fire Anemone is also reputed to sting and eat fish. Keeping them in a species specific tank allows you and them to be happy.

Hi Kalristo,

It is a "Actinodendron plumosum" anemone also callec "HELLFIRE ANEMONE" it is known as a fish killer and has one of most powerful stings around should wear protective gloves when handling it is a sand dweller and likes strong light. Good luck and I think vinager would be wise to stop a alergic reaction maybe even Benedryl.


You could always pee on it ;) It always worked for me when I got stung by Portuguese Man-of-wars...serious pain, but good ol urine took it right away.

Just wondering, I did'nt see any fish or? in the pics are there any tank mates still kick'n

wow haha i hope i dont die. ive been to the E.R. for an allergic reaction before but this is my parents tank they have about a dozen fish ranging from clown to angels and stocked with various coral. so...i should probably take him out now huh...guess itll have to wait til aftr work ..if im still alive ;)
use vinegar or lemon juice to neutralize the nematocysts.
Can take an antihystimine for symptom reduction
I am NOT a doctor but been stung too many times from too many sea creatures :>)
hahah your not going to die kalvin. See if a lfs will take him and try not to get stung again. :D Where did you get that anyways?
Can't I gotta wait a month since I've signed up to post I just hit my 50 post count
Why would you sell something from your parents tank if your only watching it? Also Bump for wearing gloves in the tank no matter what your handling. haha and just pee on it and save the money for the vinager lol
I dont wear gloves ever. I think its a matter of personal preference and what your keeping. As far a zoas i just make sure i don't have a open cut. I wash my hands with out soap before putting them into the tank and use soap after, no problems ever.
Its their tank but I decide what stays and what goes so I'm more involved than they are.
the guy from the lfs i got it from is cool with my parents so i think i might just exchange it for something else unless you want it IPisces!