I gotta puffer

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Feb 27, 2005
S.Dakota (1 LFS)
heres the story, ive been trading in my zoo's, Xenia, and anemone split, and building up the store credit, wanted to pay for something all at once. Well the LFS had a nice flame angel in, and after my research, knowing the facts and accepting the possibilities of it being a coral nipper, i decided to trade in my credit to get the fish. Its doing great in the reef so far and adds a splash of red that i didnt have. Very cool fish. (ill get pics, someday)

Anyways, my point. For about the last month i have transformed my 55gal tank from a LR holder to a fish tank. I only put in a damsel, but crabs and snails have lived in it since the move. We had planned on geting a puffer "someday" well while i was at the LFS the owner had recieved a porc puffer from a customer who couldnt get him to eat. So pretty much everything was wrong with the purchase. I have done "some" research on them, and my tank was "kinda" set up for one, okay, theres three reason i got the fish. 1) Its the next fish on my list, thats why i setup my 55gal 2)Not bragging, but the fish has the best chance of surival with me compared to the last owner or LFS owner 3) Got a HUGE discount for a good looking fish, so anyways, the LFS owner said after she got the puffer and gave him a goldfish, he gobbled it right up, so he eats, she thinks the old owner tried to give him flakes. Well i acclimated him to my 55gal and he loves it, he swims up and down and all around, so i decided to try to feed him (i bought krill, ghost shrimp and 3 goldfish (just in case) to try to feed him) so i tried the krill first, and he looked at it for a minute, then gobbled it up. So im pretty sure he has found a new happy home. My question to you is, i gave the bugger about 4 pieces of krill, and he ate them all up fast, im wondering how much do you feed a porc, i know they are notorious beggars, and i dont know how much he has ate the last few days/weeks, how much krill should i give him?

Thanks for listening

Ill do my porc puffer research tomorrow
Does anyone want 3 goldfish?
i have no experience with fish that eat like this, but i belave some of the other guys who have meat eaters, feed every other or couple days,

im sure one of the other guys here will be able to help you out,
i really have no clue, but id like to say "till he looks full"???

no dont listion to me
Thanks Burning

I got my facts now, just would like to hear some personal opinions. Seems krill every other day should work out nicely. Also, WWM says try to find them foods in-shell for their beak? does anyone do this....
You should give them krill and possibly silverisdes every couple of days. I would not feed any more goldfish as they are not that beneficial for them and could cause trouble with parasites. Also give them snails as they will break the shells to get them out and it does help their beek..
ive hurd something about they need to be able to have things in shells for the reson of something along the line of it sharpings the teeth? something like that
You should give them krill and possibly silverisdes every couple of days. I would not feed any more goldfish as they are not that beneficial for them and could cause trouble with parasites. Also give them snails as they will break the shells to get them out and it does help their beek..

i agree with this.. i wouldn't feed the puffer any goldfish...not sure about the food for the beak.. i thought i heard mussels one time would do the trick, but that could be wrong:confused:
and he ate them all up fast, im wondering how much do you feed a porc, i know they are notorious beggars, and i dont know how much he has ate the last few days/weeks, how much krill should i give him?

Jid...I would compare a puffer fish to a freshwater Oscar! As long as you are popping in food he will probably continue to stuff himself every chance he can. I guess depending on the size now, will determine how much you should feed per day. Be careful because those puffers grow big! I've seen them here as big as atleast 2.5 ft and occasionally they'll come around when you are fishing and steal your bait. Here's a pretty good read:)

ive hurd something about they need to be able to have things in shells for the reson of something along the line of it sharpings the teeth? something like that

Maybe you heard that from the post (2 spaces up) -JK-

Thanks guys for the info

And Krish, when i was an islander i seen a porc at night, for some reason fish are very friendly at night, but he blew up on us and was as big as a basketball, I HAVE PICS TO PROVE IT! (lol) but i know they get big, thats just an excuse to fill up my 90gal that is dry right now, lol

but he blew up on us and was as big as a basketball, I HAVE PICS TO PROVE IT!

I know! Not sure if I pissed my pants this one time because I was in water but I came face to face with a huge one one time and scared the crap out of me:p Have fun with him man...My friend had one that followed my everytime he walked pass the tank, but he got rid of him because he ate all his fish(LOL)
There is a huge one at a local restraunt here in Seattle. The Rainforest Cafe in Southcenter has a masive one. It is suppose to be the largest in captivity. I think they said 22lbs.
hmm not sure about this but how about making a mix of food for him like a mush .... i rememember a thread about people making their food.
I think that way he could have a more mixed meal :p
There is a huge one at a local restraunt here in Seattle. The Rainforest Cafe in Southcenter has a masive one. It is suppose to be the largest in captivity. I think they said 22lbs.

I saw it man that was an awesome sight. The other fish don't look all that healthy to me though. Pretty good food though.