i need overflow advice

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Apr 12, 2010
Hello all,
I am working on my first ever saltwater tank and need some advice on overflows. I am considering a CPR hob overflow but am also debating drilling my tank for some sort of in tank overflow. Can someone please share their experiences with either type of overflow to help me decide.
You will always thank yourself if you get your tank drilled. Or atleast you should.
Hands down, a drilled tank is the best option.
I used a 1400 gallon per hour hang on cpr box for a couple of years. It works fine but the built in overflow is a lot less trouble to deal with. I drilled the side of my tank and build the box using glass cut at the local glass shop, cost about $20 for all four pieces, and fish tank silicon to build the box. After the box was dry I attached it to the side of the tank. Its much easer to do this if your tank is not full of water. If you’re just getting started, knowing what I know now I would just drill the tank, you’ll just wish you had done it if you go with the overflow box.
Nope never had any issues I got the dart overflow kit work flawless for the 1 year I had it setup before I upgraded to my 200g cube
that depends on how it is set up going to the tank if you put a Tee on the out side of the bulk head then you will be silent. you would need a Tee and a end cap with a small drill bit to drill a hole to add air line with a valve.
or do two overflow holes to the sump and set up a "HERBIE" style overflow and it will be completely silent :)
I really like herbie style drains. Runs silent. My 75 has 2 weir boxes (overflow boxes, so not drilled) and it works great. I got them for about $25 a piece off ebay.

When I set up my tank, I decided not to drill it, and it seems fine to me, but if you want to drill the tank, maybe thats better. I've had no issues though, and my drains run silent with 2 overflow boxes and a herbie drain.
Having the tank drilled with a built-in overflow box is the safest way to set up a sump system. Not having to rely on a siphon will give you less worries in the future.

Having said that, if you do not have the resources to get a built-in overflow, the CS Overflows are really nice. They skim the water nicely and don't take up much "visual" space inside the tank. They are reliable too with the air pump connected to the top.
My 1st experience with HOB overflow BLAH never again......with that said do those aqualifters work well?? been thinking about getting one.
Yes, the aqua lifter works well. They also make pre-suction filters to help keep them clean and last longer. Keep in mind, like any pump, they need to be periodically cleaned. With the aqua lifter, just running a cup of warm water through its diaphram system keeps it running smooth.
Thanks good to know :) I battle the overflow rather frequently. and I see those aqualifters are inexpensive
newtosaltwater welcome, great tools here I have learned alot from these folks