i quit and did it my way,,,bye to reef keeping everyone

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
Sammamish, wa USA
sorry to say,good bye to Reef frontiers,now i am the reef free,called for quit!!!!,i did GET RID OF every pieces of my corals at once,not even single frag i kept,,i am finish this chapter of reef keeping,,,reef keeping i had been through great time and bad time ,reef pest talk of the town,!!!sammamish uncle red buck i got the name for!!!!,name it,,i got banded once from RF from deleted my own pictures,,on my own tread
thanks every one that cheer me up when i'm down specially my niece OUM,,she did pick me back up on reef keeping from pieces and thanks for the one all my friends from this RF to bring me back up and make me stronger ,,to make it to become A tank of the month on reef Central June 2008 .12 years of reef keeping never had the tank crashed,,even when the tank blew up,,ha ha,,,my coral hunting and collecting is over,,sure i spend a lot of time money for it,,,oh well.,,this is the hobby all about ....
never throught i can do it ,,but i did it and ,,,,,DID IT MY WAY,,,,wish all of you the luck and joy reef keeping,and thanks for the viewer " 33,069 views" on my showing off tread ,thank again for read my words..
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we'll miss you bro... :(
Thank you for all the nice frags over the years my friend,
and the experience and methodology I gleened from your multiple systems.
Now, I sense some travelling on your part...
I'm guessing your going to be someplace with the reef at your doorstep... ;)

....and the million dollar question, WHO got all those corals??
who do we bug now for tamarind tort frags??... :)
...but seriously, I'm hoping Oum decided to keep it going.
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What a Sad day for the Reefkeeping Community..Your Tanks have been an Inspiration for my son and I since day 1 of our Journey in this hobby...But a Hobby is what it is...And we all do understand this...Enjoy life to the fullest!!!

Thank you for your contributions along the way...Your contributions will not be forgotten!!!!!
Good luck with the rest of your adventures in life. I pray that they are as successful as your triumphant reef.
Dang, I have only heard of your tanks, everyone has told me... "Have you seen Dang's Reef? It is amazing!" I've never met you, but your legacy carries on. Cheers to you and your dedication. I am only sorry that I never had the pleasure to see your tank in person.
Sorry to see you go Dang :(. You will be missed bit you must do what you feel you need to do. All the best and don't be a stranger. Pop in from time to time. :)

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You say your done with Reef keeping,but what you should be asking yourself is.Has Reef keeping done with you. Trust me you will be back
Wow I am saddend to hear such a great reef keeper is quiting, When ever I looked through the forums looking for good sound advice you always had something really worth reading. When I look to try something new all I need to see is, Dang does it, and with out question I did it.

I hope that you have as much success in your next endevour as you did with reef keeping.

Oh wow! I hope that you find something else to do that will make you as happy as reefkeeping did. I was just thinking the other day that I need to call you and see if you had some frags that I wanted. Looks like the frag store is closed.

Best wishes,
We all hope to see you get back into it Dang, You had one truly amazing tank that everyone admired....even this guy all the way on a liitle rock in the pacific ocean did.....someday I wish I could own a tank like you did....aloha Les @ WPH
Thats a shame Dang, but good luck on your future. Just make sure you drop in from time to time and say hello.

I'm sure you'll be happy with your desicion Dang. I know you've been on the fence with it for a couple years now. I hope you enjoy your retirement, from the hobby and your job.
anybody know what happened? where did that semi load with all his stuff head 2.....probaly some LFS bought him out
Dang, congrats since this is a no easy decision, but you did it. Now you can travel around the world without worrying is my tanks calcium level ok? or is the temp ok? No more beeps on your phone telling you that there is a water leak, nor power outage on your tank... I know it will be hard to get rid of that same o same routine, before you go to office, you check the tank, then while in the office, checking parameters online, then by the time you go home, spend 4 hours staring at your huge tank... Now the question, what to do with all that extra time you now have...

You know, you can always come here at RF, a lot of the newbies here needs a mentor. Advise here and there... Please dont be a stranger.

Now have fun! you earned it.
wow. i cant belive it. Dang your talk was the best around. i will miss going over to you house and looking at your tank. i will also miss the good talks we had about our reef tanks. good luck to whatever you choose to do in your life. You and your reef tank will be missed. chad