I think I got the disease

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jun 13, 2011
This will be my last post in the new-to-reefkeeping section cuz I think I graduated to at least the "moron" stage.

since starting a reef set-up last june, and finally adding coral about 4 months ago, I have converted 2 other tanks to saltwater also...and spent thousands...like 6...7....maybee even 8 thousand on everything. So I say, " I got the disease"

here are some shots of my......affliction

The tanks in the background are: in the cubby is a 65g softy tank with mostly giant red mushrooms, 2 large serpant stars and a nice black sea urchin. it is running a swc hob skimmer and 2x30in vho lighting with an available 250w MH i do not use. The longer tank is a six foot 85g fowlr with pure tonga branch and black sand. 4x54w ho t-5, overflow box and wet-dry filter with mag drive 9.5 running an etss reef devil skimmer, and aonther 9.5 for return flow, a seio pump for additonal circulation, and a home-made ATO. I t currnetly has 12 tank-raised clowns ( for the wife)

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where you see a 125g african cichlid tank in the background yet to be converted to salt lol. mixed reef and 55g fuge/macro display

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So, the pics above is why I say I got the disease. Below are some pix of the my reef tank. I'm not EVEN gonna get into listing the equiptment and corals as the pics should show most. But I will be adding another mp-40 and poss 2 mp10's, chiller, calcium reactor. am looking into LED and think I may add a single radion in the center between the 2x250mh and 4x110 vho, just to tweek the colors a bit and have an occasional thunderstorm etc. Also am designing a canopy lift system because of how much of a pain it is to maintain without removing it. cords are in a rats nest and house in disaray cuz I have way too much fish stuff going on...and a wife that tolerates it ( and even enjoys certain aspects. Lucky me!)

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Wow looks awsome. Wife has limited me to one tank... I'm trying to convince her I need a 50 gallon hospital tank.... and it shouldn't count ;)
Yes you do, you do need a 50g hospital tank! actually, there is also a 55g and 20g hospital tanks behind the tonga branch tank...cuz I NEED them, just like you! lol
That is on the verge of living in a Fish Store !!!!!!!
How many hours a week do you spend on maint??
That is on the verge of living in a Fish Store !!!!!!!
How many hours a week do you spend on maint??

how many hours on maint??? hard to say, but prob not as much as one may think. since starting the reef tank I have drastically cut back on feeding the cichlids to once every 2-3 days, wich has allowed me to go up to 3 weeks for water changes. I was changing 60% per week. all other tanks are understocked, and I have good equiptment and systems for routine maintainance.

when I was all feshwater I spent 1 full day per week. actually have less "maintance" now, but more playing!

p.s You should see my disorganization in my garage though. Pretty sure has something to do with too much fish stuff going on.
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OK I am game! Shoot some pics of the garage. Let the masses be the judge to see if you need to open a used equipment store.
got rid of tons of freshwater stuff already including a complete 125g and 100g plexi...but yes gargage still has much fish stuff. problem with freashwater is there is only so much you can do and you before you end up staring a completly new tank. I am hopping that my reef tank will keep my interest for years and have NO plans to add anymore tanks!!!
Please share!!

we should start a thread under members showcase titled "have you got the sickness" ...or "something". a place where memebers can showcase how they may be in question of going a little over board so-to-speak. could be fun! and thereaputic at the same time kinda like group therapy.
I only have 6 tanks at the moment, so really not that many... Two salt, one brackish, and the other three are fresh. If I wasn't so attached to my freshwater fish, I'd give them up for more salt... but they are my kids :)
6 tanks of any size counts!

I had 11 fresh a year ago not counting anything under a 55g. was breeding sewellia lineolata. had a few rare plecos. One tank with 160 cardinals which made a cool display. For me though freshwater just got borring...there was no more challange left I guess.