It's only money, RIGHT?
I got this Rose Bubble Tip anemone from Aquanaut the other day. SWEET anemone, I love the color. I finally got it to foot about where I wanted it. And today I did a side job and made an extra $40. So I was thinking about a frag , then thought I would go to the LFS to see what they had for Clowns. They had this guy in a tank for about 2 weeks, he did have a Bubble tip in there with him and then they sold the Anemone. I decieded he would be a good choice sence he had already been in a Bubble tip befor. After acclimating the fish ,I released it and with in 15 minutes it was all over the anemone. I don't think I have ever seen a happier Clown. This pic is with the actinics only, T5 4x 54 watts.