I was reading...

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
I was reading about snails and read somewhere (can't find the article now) that many snails sold are really temperate water snails and are destined to die in our tropical tanks. I got a turbo snail (my 2nd) recently and it died yesterday. I asked where it was from and the guy said Mexico. I was a little leery about getting it but my other turbo is flourishing. Does anyone know if turbos can be cool water species and other turbos be warm(80F) water ones?

Dead snails STINK!:shock: Glad I got it out fast.

The Gulf of Mexico average water temperature ranges from about 77F to 82F so I would not be too leary about Turbos from there. I have 4 Mexican Turbo Snails that do just great in my tank. Have not heard of cool water species but I'm sure someone will have more knowledge of that than me. Sorry for your loss.
some popular collection sites have temps in the low to mid 70's and they will not redily acclimate to normal reef tank temps. its important to know your lfs enough to know they will give accurate information when asked and then find out where the livestock your considering is collected from.
i have a mexican im my tank.... sneaky sob got across the boarder and in to my tank with out the boarder pratol catching him...... hes fine

if your refering to astrea's then i understand where this is comeing from cause they are from colder water. (alltho i have 1 still alive after all this time)

are you acclamated them slowly? some people will say that they can be acclamated fast or not at all. I dont beleave this is the case. since there body is jello i tend to think they are sensetive. but i dont know anything.
The shorelines where they are collected have snails covering the rocks. Often in the sun on hot days, in the shade during storms. In the tide pools during cool rains. They are pretty tolerant of most conditions but seem to like good water as all similar to all our creatures.