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Go fly a kite
Apr 26, 2007
I got a new fish today, I think he is a citrus goby (I think that's part of the name) anyway, I was looking at him while he was sitting on the rock and he has little white dots on him, that seem to be on him, rather than part of his coloring...is it ick? What can I do? Thanks.
I don't have a hospital tank (lame I know) so for now he is in a tuberware container ontop of the tank so he gets the heat from it, until I can call to fish store tomorrow where I got him. Thanks for the link.
I don't have a hospital tank (lame I know) so for now he is in a tuberware container ontop of the tank so he gets the heat from it, until I can call to fish store tomorrow where I got him. Thanks for the link.

I also learned the hard way to quarantine everything.
Is there any other fish in the tank?
Two clowns, whom I'm watching very closly. The infected fish was in the tank for about hrs, so I'm hoping that it won't spread. Should I be worried about my anenomies?
how have you been?

the clowns will more than likely not have a prob with the ick. You anenomies will not be affected at all. If the store doesnt take him back, let me know. More than likely he will kick the ick in a healthy tank.
You need to take all the fish out for treatment, leave the tank fallow for 6-8 weeks
.:sobs:. My whole tank is infected? I don't know what I would do with the clowns so the tank can get rid of the ick, none-the-less all the ans. and zoos, and other little random stuff I've picked up.

I tried to set up a sick tank for the little yellow one yesterday but this morning he was laying on his side and I didn't have time to really check him. The store wasn't to happy about taking him back (which really makes me not want to buy anything there ever again).

So...um...what should I do? Should I try and take everything out of the tank and leave it be for a while or hope for the best?
If you have the equipment, time and skill to set up a hospital tank do so. If not, pray for luck.

You should tell the store that whether they take the fish back or not, if you don't get a refund or credit, that you will let everyone know they sell Ich infected fish.

Change your reef rock around to create new hiding places, turkey baster it all off, do a water change, and cross your fingers that you get lucky.
I haven't seen the clown goby in a good 4 days. I assume he's dead...somewhere. So if I decide to rinse out the tank what do I do with the ans. and the two clowns?