Id this crab pls???

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
found this in one of my zoa rock...actually theres 3 of them..1 is bigger and has black tip in the pincher,i didnt get to catch him but the next morning i found it laying dead in the sandbed so i felt relieved as im guessing its a gorilla crab...
then i found this crab fell on the rock when i took it out to clean some algae growing on doesnt have a black tip pincher and is not hairy....
so can anybody id this crab pls?
the 3rd crab is in a small hole and didnt get to catch it but it looks same as this one....
I trust no crabs that come in on live rock.
I've lost too many zoanthid frags to hitchhiker crabs.

These guys have a lot of growing to do before they can do any damage.
i put it in the sump..and the other one that is in the small hole i put a small rock and shove it inside...then i put glue to block it permanently...:Di dont wanna cry later on...
I second the mythrax, but it's really hard to tell from the picture. I would probably put it in the sump for the time being until it gets a little larger and easier to ID.
yes i did...and i found an image that look exactly as it is....

Pic is of an emerald crab. If they are emeralds then you got some great hitchhikers for algae control.
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i hope its an emerald crab so i can keep him:)last time i found a crab and its a teddy bear crab/gorilla crab..i went and bring it in the LFS..i thought theyre gonna give him a good home..but then right in front of my eyes the guy that works there put it in the tank where theres a big puffer fish and when the poor crab touch the water,the big puffer ate broke my heart:(
It has black tips on pinchers? are the inside of the pinchers(super hard to tell on something that small) flat for algae scraping or sharp and pointy.
nope it doesnt have any black tips on pinchers just white...:)i have a feeling that its an emerald crab but im not sure..i put it in the sump together with a baby pistol shrimp i found long time ago...:lol:
I really hope it's a good crab ( if there is such a thing).

I'm just trying to warn you of what could happen, and has happened to me.
I witnessed my old emerald tear open some zoos one evening in search of algae, was kinda horrifying. While i don't think he meant to, they are crabs and most of the time lumbering morons.
Only crab i've had since are hermits and my pom pom, pretty leary on getting another emerald.
hes gonna be in the sump for now..then on my move to a bigger tank,im planning to add a he will stay there for good...:)
arghhh i dont know what im gonna do if i witness something like that again:shock:crab tearing my zoos:shock:!!!my yellow tang got a taste on my mohawks couple months ago and ate about 30 or so polyps...was horrifying...
i dont have hermit crabs only snails....

so this little crab will go in the fell off the rock when i dipped the colony of zoas in melafix...:)thanks for the help guys:)