if i got my hands on these little Kalk suckers......

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wannabe reefmaster
Jul 17, 2004
Capital of Canada
Boys held in sharks' killings

Youths caught when they returned for second night, police say.

By Tracy Manzer
Staff writer

LONG BEACH — Police captured three youths suspected of torturing and killing two docile sharks and a ray at the Aquarium of the Pacific after they returned with another boy to the scene of the crime to carry out more mayhem late Monday, an official said.

Aquarium staff arrived at work before 9 a.m. Monday and found that someone had broken into the aquarium after it closed Sunday night and had brutalized the two sharks and a cow-nosed ray a relative of the sting ray and then left them for dead.

A security guard was posted to stand watch over the Shark Lagoon, the aquarium's most popular exhibit, on Monday night. He heard the boys trying to sneak back in around 9 p.m., said Sgt. David Cannan, a Long Beach Police Department spokesman.

When he startled the boys, they ran. But nearby police officers captured the teens just down the street, he said. All four are from Long Beach.

Three 13-year-olds and one 14-year-old were taken into custody and admitted that three of them had been there the previous night and battered the animals after climbing over an 8-foot fence that surrounds the outdoor area, police said.

They had returned with a friend who wanted to join in on a second night of attacks. Cannan said that because the boys are juveniles, he could not discuss the reasons they gave for carrying out the killings.

All of the boys were held at Los Padrinos Juvenile Detection Facility in Downey. The charge included counts of felony animal cruelty, conspiracy to commit felony animal cruelty and trespassing, the sergeant said.

None of the surviving animals appeared to be traumatized by the attack and were behaving normally, and security upgrades are being considered, aquarium officials said Tuesday as public outcry over the butchered animals grew.

"What hurts me most is that I can really visualize how she went, the struggle she put up," said Eric Castillo, one of the aquarists who cares for the sharks and rays. He found Michelle, a 3-foot nurse shark that was killed.

"I could see the drag marks in the dirt," he explained. "When I walked up to her, I put my hand on her, and there was nothing. She was already gone."

Michelle and the others lived in Shark Lagoon, an interactive touch pool where children and adults can feel the sandpaper-like skin of the sharks as they glide by and touch the smooth-skinned rays. The shallow tanks, made to look like tropical reefs, sit next to a tank of larger species. The exhibit is designed to show visitors that the majority of sharks are no threat to humans.

Attacks detailed
Michelle was one of the first animals housed in the lagoon when it opened in 2002, and she was dragged from her touch pool and slammed against the concrete. She was then taken out of the aquarium's property and dumped beneath some shrubs behind the facility.

Aquarium staff estimated that she had been touched by thousands of children during her time in the interactive pools.

The bamboo shark, which was about 18 inches long, was flung onto a portion of the bird sanctuary that houses the lorikeet exhibit. It was still alive, though in critical condition, when the vet left around 10 p.m. Monday, said Perry Hampton, director of Animal Husbandry. The shark died during the night, however.

And the cow-nosed ray had been dragged from its touch pool and stabbed with a pole or some other slender object and left to die, Hampton said.

The youths also took several small sharks from the touch pools and dumped them into the tank holding the much-larger sharks. None of them was harmed, staff said Tuesday. But the teens tossed everything else they could find, from nets and poles to signs and benches, into the deeper pool.

A nearby exhibit of shark eggs was also attacked, and at least two egg cases were hacked open with a knife and the creature inside killed. They had been laid by Fern, the most popular of the grown zebra sharks that live in the large tank. When zebra sharks are young, they covered in stripes. As they age, the stripes metamorphose into spots.

Gentle creatures
Fern who is about 5 feet long and the other sharks bobbed to the surface of the big tank as the staff neared the edge, pushing their spotted noses up to be stroked. They seemed to relish the cooing and attention of their handlers.

Caroline Thompson, who works in the education department and volunteers with the shark exhibit, said the sharks are bottom feeders and harmless. They are so gentle and sociable, especially Fern, that they are referred to as the "puppies of the sea."

"In a perfect world all three of these boys can be made to realize the seriousness of their actions," Aquarium President Jerry Schubel said. "I would love for them to one day call Perry and be able to apologize and be brought here to work with the sharks, to protect the very animals they were trying to harm."

The aquarium had offered a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the vandals, and the city on Tuesday offered to match that amount before learning the boys had been caught. That money will now be used to fund a new education program for children in the Long Beach school district, Schubel said.

They have not yet decided what age group to focus on, but Schubel said it will definitely include pupils in the same age group as the arrested boys and will focus on helping children understand and appreciate their role as caretakers for all animals.

The aquarium is also considering what changes it will make to increase security. The facility uses 24-hour security guards and video monitors and guards usually make rounds to different areas every hour to two hours. It is not yet known how much was recorded by the video equipment because the areas where animals are housed have very little light at night to mimic a natural environment, Schubel said.

Staff at the aquarium received calls throughout the day from concerned people offering help, said Cecil Fisher, a spokeswoman for the Aquarium of the Pacific.

One woman was so distraught that she could only cry on the phone. Another woman and her son decided to adopt a shark, through the aquarium's adopt-a-shark program, in an effort to try and help the organization that was still reeling from Monday's grisly discovery.

Aquarium staff had been devastated by the acts, Hampton said, but were much happier Tuesday when they heard that the teens had been caught.

"They should do the same things to those kids that they did to the sharks," remarked one visitor as he walked away from the exhibit Tuesday.
What they need to do is make them work around the aquarium until they have paid them back for the damages and have them under house arrest until they turn 18 years of age. It is a shame the kids have no better raising than to destroy someone elses property not to mention kill an animal that has done nothing. That is what is wrong with kids these days if I had done something like that My dad would have beat me with a club and made me work it off to pay for the damages. They need to convict them as an adult that would maybe stop alot of children doing crimes just because they are bored and have nothing better to do. Call me old fashioned because I was raised up on a farm but if those kids had to work a little after school then come home and hit the books they wouldnt feel like damaging someones property. Killing animals just for pleasure is stupid dont get me wrong I like hunting and fishing but not butchering caged up animals or fish in aquariums. I would like to take them and beat them until they were black and blue then let them heal up and start over again. Kids these days have no respect of people or property of others.
i agree, but the problem is the staff will hate their faces and problably throwem in the tank. which is really not a bad idea come to think about it.
Yes, they should throw them in and let the sharks mangle them a whil and then pull them out just before they go in for the kill.
Boy, I sure understand the high emotions regarding this incident. There's no other way to describe it other than horrible. I also know that no one responding to this thread would follow through with what their initial emotions felt.

My emotions are still strong too but they are tempered somewhat due to the fact that I have worked with kids for so many years. This is not a "boys will be boys" situation. Something worse has happened and I hope the prosecuters punish these children but I also hope that they bring the California Children and Family Services Division down on the parents because something is wrong and, unless the children were born sociopaths, there is some parental or familial abuse going on. I'm sure all of us could agree that this behavior is NOT normal.

Some intervention of some kind is DEFINATELY needed.
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I agree Curt, children are a product of their enviorment. I think that very few are born mean and evil. Generally children who are abused, abuse others. However on the flip side of that coin I know a women who was horribly abused and she climbed up my a@# one day for defending someones actions with that statement. She said we are all given free choice, that we all know right from wrong, and people are responsible for their actions. Just because someone hurt me, does not make me a mean person. I was dumbfounded, I had never looked at it like that. She really opened my eyes. People who use abuse as an excuse for behavior that is unacceptable, deserve no quarter. They were old enough to know exactly what they were doing was wrong, and did it anyway, feeling no remorse they returned to do it again. I believe that deserves strong and swift punishment. To do any less will allow these children to do this to a human being. I am not in any way shape or form saying animals deserve human rights. I am saying that violent actions with malice and no remorse deserves punishment. This is my opinion. Steve
WaterDogs said:
Hi wrassehole,

Between your user name and the title of this thread I can't quit laughing!!! :badgrin: :D
It's too late at night I just caught it "kalk suckers" :D

I'm sorry but I have seen some sorry things in my life but this is just plain wrong and if you ask me they should be punished to the full extent of the law and then sent somewhere for counseling. Community service should not be at the aquarium because that gives them the opportunity to do something else. Community service should be done at a male maximum security prison and they should wear little french maid outfits. :badgrin:

Please don't misunderstand. I do want these children punished and hopefully the punishment would be for them to be separated from whomever is abusing them and they end up somewhere like New Beginnings. I just want them to get some serious counseling and move beyond the abuse that shaped their life up to this point. If the parents or family are being investigated, they just might lose a little sleep even if they aren't prosecuted. That would be quite fine with me. BTW...I'm actually considering running New Beginning's equestrian program next year. A lot of children's homes and now even prisons are using horses and dogs to teach gentleness, responsibility, consistency, etc. to problem children/prisoners. It has been shown to be quite effective.

I was dumbfounded, I had never looked at it like that. She really opened my eyes. People who use abuse as an excuse for behavior that is unacceptable, deserve no quarter. They were old enough to know exactly what they were doing was wrong, and did it anyway, feeling no remorse they returned to do it again.
First off..."NORMAL" 13 year old boys have burping contests and light their farts on fire. They just aren't as mature as they think they are. Different people behave...well differently. Some 13 year olds who are abused will rise above it and excel. Others will mope around and get bad grades. Others will become violent themselves. I certainly am not taking personal responsibility away from the child. I'm saying that the courts should view the situation and understand the "extenuating circumstances". It's really no different than anything else. I'm sick, so I am allowed to be crabby. I worked overtime this week, so I'm allowed to be lazy and not help with the kids. Etc., etc., and so on. I'm really glad that your friend was one of the strong ones who rose above it, but not everyone is born with that personal strength.

It's fine IMO to be angry with their actions. I am too. They should be punished. However, they are 13 and there is a chance that with counseling there can be a turn-around. I've seen it happen many times. I've also been to 2 different teens funerals who commit suicide because they were not helped in time. I don't see adding further abuse, like some are advocating, as helping to turn a horrible situation into a good one. Like I said in my original post, I suspect this is because of high emotions but no one would really want it to happen.
Hey Curt, that was not directed at you at all man. That is just something I recently learned and it is very upfront in my mind. Lets see if I can clarify what I mean. If something bad happens to me, I can not use that as a excuse for my bad behavior. Frequently in our society that is used as an excuse for rape, murder and mayham, I find that unacceptable. That is a better way to say what I mean. Steve I pmed you as well. Steve
NP Steve,

I didn't take it personally at all. You articulated quite well some things and I wanted to give my input.

Frankly, I think we are in complete agreement but it is stated differently. What happened was horrible. The children should be punished. Abuse is not an escuse so we should still deal with it. Punishment, in and of itself, is worthless uless someone learns a lesson. Etc., etc., and so on.
Wow....that's very sad....I love sharks...they are my favorite creatures to see when I go scuba diving or visit an aquarium....how horrible...
