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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2009
Royal City USA, WA
Last night I received an E-mail that contained the following proposed bill. The scope of this is that the State of Hawaii wants to entirely stop ALL aquarium animals from being taken from there waters. This just simply don't make any sense. As you know, the Hawaiian islands covers a huge area. The impact on the saltwater aquarium trade will be enormous. I am sure at a minimum, the cost of most of these animals will skyrocket overnight.
Do you remember a couple of years ago when Hawaii put a limit on the number of Tangs being taken by collectors? The cost of the Tangs literally quadrupled over night.
THIS Bill will cause a dramatic increase in the cost of all aquarium animals regardless of where they come from.

I am totally supportive of preserving the natural reefs, they are one of the great treasures that we have here on earth. I am not however supportive of a minority voice making the most noise and convincing the state legislators to pass bills simply to satisfy a few.

Reasonable harvesting of fish for ornamental trade is just common sense. It provides economic sanctuary for the local economy, It gives reason to maintain the reefs. If you don't believe this look what happened in Africa in the early eighties when they put a ban on hunting elephants. Until that point the natives viewed the elephants as a nuisance but tolerated them because they brought in money from big game hunters. After they was banned, they was nothing more than big animals that was destroying their crops. Now there is less elephants than before. Don't make much sense does it? The same thing will happen in Hawaii if they take away this valuable commodity. The reefs will be worse off than ever.

Anyway Please read this bill and if you feel like I do call or write to try to voice an opinion on it and try to get it stopped!

Actuall document in this link. sorry for the the late post of this.



Legislative Alerts and Updates • Current Legislation • Key Votes • Capitol Hill Basics

Action Alert

Hawaii Bill To Outlaw Sale Of Hawaiian Aquatic Species
** Hearing Set For February 3rd **

The Issue.

Legislation pending in the Hawaii Senate Committee on Water, Land and Housing (Senate Bill 580) would prohibit any person, at any time, from knowingly or intentionally selling or offering to sell, for aquarium purposes, aquatic life taken from any Hawaiian waters.

The Impact.

The broad prohibition against selling aquatic species taken from Hawaiian waters would have limited exceptions. For example, persons “exercising a customary and traditional right for subsistence, cultural, or religious purposes” are exempt (subject to state regulation). Furthermore, the bill explicitly exempts the harvesting of aquatic species for human consumption or for sale for human consumption (including for use as bait), and would allow issuance of permits for aquatic species used for bona fide scientific or “public display” purposes.

For purposes of this act, the term “sell” is broadly defined to include the transfer, giving, or delivery to another person, as well as leaving, bartering, or exchanging aquatic species with another person, or the offer or agreement to do any of these things for consideration.

Persons violating this law would be subject to as much as $1,000 fine and thirty days imprisonment for a first offense, up to a $2,000 fine and sixty days imprisonment for a second offense and a fine of up to $3,000 and ninety days imprisonment for subsequent violations. Additionally, violators can be subject to an administrative penalty of up to $1,000 for each aquatic life specimen sold.

The bill also bans the taking of aquatic species for aquarium purposes without a permit. Permits would be issued only to persons who can satisfy the department that they possess facilities to and can maintain fish and other aquatic life alive and in reasonable health, and who can satisfy the department that the methods of capture, husbandry, and transport are humane and will not result in substantial injury to or death of the taken aquatic life.

Regardless of the possession of a permit, however, it would be illegal to sell the aquatic species, even if taken in Hawaiian waters legally.

PIJAC Position.

While PIJAC supports the reasonable regulation of the aquatic aquarium trade, an outright ban on the aquarium trade has no rational basis.

Recommended Action.

All persons concerned about preserving the right to keep pets should contact the Senate Committee on Water, Land and Housing in advance of the hearing on Senate Bill 580! The bill is scheduled to be heard by that committee on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 1:15 p.m. in Conference Room 225 of the state Capitol (415 South Beretania Street). Testimony must be sent to: [email protected].

Additionally, any person able to attend this hearing should do so in order to voice your opposition to this extreme proposal.

Click here to view the actual text of this bill. For questions or additional information about SB 580, contact PIJAC’s Michael Maddox via email at [email protected] or by phone at 202-452-1525 ext 106. You may also visit the Breaking News page of PIJAC’s website for updates on this bill and other initiatives impacting pet owners and the pet trade.

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Well I see that Les is signed on but sure to attend this meeting and be able to bring us up-to-date information. I believe we had well over 600 signatures from his original thread back in November. Fingers & toes crossed waiting to here outcome.
