Improving venturi

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Dec 14, 2004
Gardena California
At some point I have angered the skimmer gods. I have not been able to make a skimmer work as they are supposed to for any length of time. I Have tried an Aqua C ev 180 and gave up because it is so picky, currently I am trying to get a euro knock off to make something better than weak tea colored skimmate. I have tried all sugestions and mods that any one has offered but it still barely works. The one thing that is common to all the set- ups is the venturi. It is a very short (2 in) thing with a slight bevel inside the intake end .

I searched on the web and most of the venturis I come up with are meant to go on the output end of the pump or in a pressurized line. The way it works on my skimmer is with it on the intake side before the needle wheel.

I machined one out of pvc with the internal angels from a diagram I had found, when I tried it on the pump it worked better when I installed it backwards . This made me think that there is something to the fact that it is sucking the water thru the venturi rather than being under pressure.

I was wondering if anyone had played with this and come up with something that works well on the suction end of the pump.
Don W,

I completely read your link that you posted on your venturi. Impressive, very impressive. I am planning on making one ASAP, but would love to know just a couple of things:

What is the overall length of your venturi?

Do you think this venturi will work well even on a smaller pump - or would you size down from 3/8" to something smaller? I will probably be using this on a DP-560 with a Euro Reef Impeller. I have another DP-560 which I will be running using your very own "DIY Needle Impeller" another brilliant idea of yours if I may say!
RandyStacyE said:
Don W,

I completely read your link that you posted on your venturi. Impressive, very impressive. I am planning on making one ASAP, but would love to know just a couple of things:

What is the overall length of your venturi?

Do you think this venturi will work well even on a smaller pump - or would you size down from 3/8" to something smaller? I will probably be using this on a DP-560 with a Euro Reef Impeller. I have another DP-560 which I will be running using your very own "DIY Needle Impeller" another brilliant idea of yours if I may say!

I have one running on a or2700 2.5". Basicly I figured out what diameter would fit in the pump inlet, turned the stock down. I drilled to 3/8 that was to small so I drilled deeper to 1/2. It going to be trial and error but both 3/8 and 1/2 suck plenty of air.

dwall174 said:
That would work if you just happen to have a lathe sitting in your garage!:D I'm jealous! :)

You can do it without a lathe. You can get acrylic stock to fit u.s. pvc real tight just open up the pvc instead of turning down the stock. Its just to much to open up metric OR fitting.

Yea it can be done but it’s not as much fun! :D
I have turned down PVC fittings & other small pieces by mounting a ½” drill motor in a vice with a DIY jig to turn the piece then I use a dremel tool to shape it.
I just made Don's venturi !

I did not use acrylic - though I would have loved to - It would look awsome. Mine is not quite as attractive.

I first filled a piece of 1" PVC with a great 2 part product called "Quick Patch" I recieved quite some time ago from "Ideal Products LLC". It is a Sani-Tred product. It is as liquid as water and once mixed it will cure solid in less than 2 min.

Now I simply dropped it into a lathe and wet to work. I picked up the tapered drill bit from Lowes this morning. OH MY GOD that was expensive ($30.00).

After that worked. I made another one by pouring "Quick Patch" inside of a stock "inlet fitting" that came with one of my pumps. Dropped it into the lathe. This time I used a smaller center hole than the first one because this pump was smaller.

I'm sure you could use just about any rigid product that will cure throughout its entire volume, but I had Quick Patch on hand and it is extremely nice to tool.

Great DIY project DON! Oh by the way, I'm using these venturis on DON's DIY Needle Impeller also. Just a tip for anyone using the DIY Needle Impeller. Purchase the "Back Pad" for the 3M Roloc Bristle Disks. It makes it perfectly centered every time.
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