Interceptor for Red Bugs

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Nov 6, 2009
Sammamish, WA
I want to get my hands on some Interceptor and will probably just call my dog's vet and see what they say but for some reason I'm nervous about them telling me no or questioning the need for its use. Interceptor is generally recommended for red bugs on the various forums and since I just picked up some new frags from a tank that may have them I'd like to perform a preventative treatment prior to moving them to the main tank. I've got Coral RX to dip them in, but I'd like to treat with Interceptor too. I'm using a 20G tank as a QT so I'd like to get my hands on a couple of the 2.3mg tablets so that I can do 3-4 treatments a week apart. Has anyone approached their vet about getting Interceptor for their tanks? Had they heard of this method of treatment? What kind of reception did you get? I don't want my vet to think I'm trying to cook up some crack or something and have him look at me funny next time I take my dog in for his annual checkup.

BTW...I know that some boards ban trading and selling this stuff, and some frown on threads in general, because it is a prescription med. I didn't see any rules like that on here but if this is against the rules please kill this thread and let me know. Not trying to break any rules.

I want to get my hands on some Interceptor and will probably just call my dog's vet and see what they say but for some reason I'm nervous about them telling me no or questioning the need for its use. Interceptor is generally recommended for red bugs on the various forums and since I just picked up some new frags from a tank that may have them I'd like to perform a preventative treatment prior to moving them to the main tank. I've got Coral RX to dip them in, but I'd like to treat with Interceptor too. I'm using a 20G tank as a QT so I'd like to get my hands on a couple of the 2.3mg tablets so that I can do 3-4 treatments a week apart. Has anyone approached their vet about getting Interceptor for their tanks? Had they heard of this method of treatment? What kind of reception did you get? I don't want my vet to think I'm trying to cook up some crack or something and have him look at me funny next time I take my dog in for his annual checkup.

BTW...I know that some boards ban trading and selling this stuff, and some frown on threads in general, because it is a prescription med. I didn't see any rules like that on here but if this is against the rules please kill this thread and let me know. Not trying to break any rules.


You may have difficulty, over on your side of the state, finding a vet that's familiar with it's use or even carries it. This is mainly because Heart Worm isn't a problem, with dogs, over there. On our side of the state, it is.

When I started approaching vets, to get Interceptor, for reef use, I contacted 4 vets, before finding one that knew what I was talking about. The first 2 were receptive to learning about it and willing to prescribe it, once they'd done some research. The 3rd vet told me that he doesn't believe anything he reads on the The 4th vet was already aware of Red Bugs and how to treat them. Once a year, she charges me a "visit fee" and writes me a year long prescription.

I'd suggest going to your vet, armed with the research. You might find one willing to listen. Unfortunately, most vets in your area won't have Interceptor, since Heart Worm isn't an issue over there. You will want the Large Dog dosage though, since this is the size that's been used, to figure out dosing amounts for our tanks.

As for as the rules go. While we don't have any set policy or rule, regarding Interceptor, here on Reef Frontiers, it's illegal to obtain, without a prescription. Our User Agreement does have wording regarding posting anything illegal or that would constitute a criminal offense.

I see no reason to kill the thread, since you're asking for advice on how to approach your vet. If you were blatantly asking for Interceptor, that'd be a different story.
I have good results with my local Sumner Vet..... they looked up the treatment through their online resource and filled with no issues.
I know that trido has a thread on the psas forum where he states he has a local connect for interceptor, if your vet won't get you some you might try shooting him a PM.

But also I have had great success with TLF Revive coral cleaner, it kills red bugs and most other pests for new corals and is also useful for all kinds of unhappy sps/lps dipping, its good stuff to have around. With how well it works I would probably only use interceptor if you have to treat your whole tank for an infestation when dipping isn't going to cut it.
he actually said anyone could go to that vet up north and get interceptor for there tank..! they looked it up also and seen it was lagit.
I had no problem getting it from my vet. I took in documentation for red bug. He even wrote me a refill if i needed it!
Someone on this forum told me about a vet in Kenmore who has helped several people out. I was able to walk in and buy it right there. Found instructions online on how to dose. Didn't work the first time. Even though they all died and disapeared new ones hatched later. Decided to tweak it a little. So the second time I dosed once every 7 days for the first two weeks and once every 6 days for the next two weeks. Total of four times doing about 15% water changes and running carbon after every dose. Finall got rid of the little buggers. Let me know if you need the name of the vet, can probably dig it up.
From what I've read, successive doses are needed to ensure that you get rid of the adults and any bugs that hatch after the initial doses. My plan is to dose 3-4 times. I've checked these frags and don't see anything at all but I'm going to make sure. I will dose Interceptor, followed a few days later by Coral RX, and repeat until I've done 3 cycles. I had AEFW ruin a new Purple Nana once. I don't want to risk that again.

Red bugs are nothing compared to AEFW's.
When I first contacted my Vet I explained that the redbug was from the same genus of arthropod as the heartworm plaguing alot of dogs. I had done my homework and it paid off. Finding a vet that actually carried Intercetpor brand medicine was the hard part.

If all else fails, my vet will sell to any reefer who asks.

A quick PM and I can send any local the address and number. I say local because I dont want everyone across the nation spamming them about shipping. They might not take such good care of my other pets if I plague them with e-mails. ;)