Is this good news, or what?

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
The person I know from the time I first started to go to fish world and had Jeff voet as my main supplier and tanks and equipment installer, etc. He knows I been paying and planning these tanks before he had left fish world and knows about all the let downs Jeff had put me through.

He said that next week isn't a good week for him to do what im looking for him to do for me and so, we moved it to the following week, a date itself isn`t set as yet. We talked some, and I have lighting that I not can use for what im looking to do and he has lighting that he is looking to change as well.

To be precise, you know that im with 175 watt MH and wanted 250 watt MH, and my friend has 250 watt MH and is looking to have 175 watt MH. He said that he like that I have this 180 setup as I wanted it, that he can put his 250 watt MH on my 180. I told him that we will wait, until he can see what I have here and that we will go from there what if we exchange or other wise.

This person knows that im not afraid to spend money on what im looking to do here, he knows as well that im with the plans to have myself even a Gem Tang. he also know that im looking to replace the selling of the pair of dragon morays, hopefully near or soon after the end of July. For soon after that, I will have the property tax again to get together and each year it seems to go up in cost.

So what I told this person of the things im looking to do are:

1. Put in the new sump on the 40 gal breeder QT
2. Put in a new return pump on both the 40 and 180 tanks
3. In the 180, im about a DSB of around 2.5 and he agreed to add three #40 bags or aragonite sand to it
4. Put in two 4" cooling fans in the 180 canopy
5. Put in the new chiller I have on the 180
6. Check the lighting in place on the 180, that it be operational and ready to use

Those are of what im to start with and later we will discuss what we can do about the 240>

So for now, I have to say is that this is good news to hear, for prior before this, I was looking at a more horrible ordeal to think about. Still, nothing is for sure on what if I will have to move or not. But I will go a head as if im staying and look to get something started here for I already waiting far longer then anybody else would ever care to waited. A matter a fact, I heard most would giving up on my project long before waiting more then 4.5 years.

where you from amn id love to do the work for ya if no one else can get to you sooner, the only thing i might get stumped on is installin the chiller

can i ask why you can do it your self though, you sound like a pretty knowledgable guy

all the stuff your talking about dosent seem to hard depending on how the canopy is set up

im in indiana depending on where you are if you get me back on gas $$ id love to help for what ever it is your trying to do ANYTIME MAN

To answer the question though yes it sounds like a good idea seeing ass your and his ballasts are around the same broken in and bulbs...etc, um im sure there is a few other things you may wanna watch out for, and yeah it sounds good but all that glitters aint gold my friend!!!
I live in Hillsborough NC and the problem for me is that I cannot do much of these thing myself as I once use to due to the fact that im now 70 and lived much of the last 20 years or so with a disability. I cannot carry heavy items or so and I can only do certain minor exercises so I look for another who can do these thing for me.

Due to my present health problems, I called my doctors nurse and ask if I could be referred to a Nutritionist or I will not be around all that much longer to see my grandchildren grow up.

having said that id do the work for absolutley free if you was closer and not even charge you gas money, and man words cant express how bad i feel after your wording in your last post

i wish it was something i could do

i hope that the guy that is doing all this work for you makes you happy and if you have any further questions just let me know and ill be glad to try and answer them for you and i hope i answered your last question to your liking

Id love to know what all live stock you plan on keeping???
I not know if you could understand this, but in all my life, I never looked for anything for free. I fought in both the Vietnam and Korean wars and even in winning myself the medal of honor, had giving it up for to a friend who died in which I felt that was part of my doing. Even that it was the enemy who put the gun to his head and squeezed the trigger killing him because they wanted military information in which I tried to offer them useless info and they didn't bite.

But the guy who will do this, I know him a good long while now and he knows what this hobby means to me. Also he said that the lighting I wanted to get, not cost all that much as what I spent with jeff at fish world or in what im thinking it will cost me again. It might be that will can do a switch of the lights and it cost me nothing more then a few hundred.

Both the 180 and 240 are to be SPS reef systems. I plan from more then eight years ago that with the SPS coral will be two pair of dwarf eels and clams and im planning in the 180 to have me a gem tang as well. I am already settled on a cleaning crew and fish selection for the 180.

So you are 1 of the 6 people ever to get the medal of honor, or to be awarded it any way. Woe thats so cool its a honor just to belong to the same sight as you, I think the government should have to do the upkeep on your tank , but not just for your heroism but for you going to war alone

Very sorry to hear of your loss in the war thats a issue I won't touch cause I'm anti war and I dont wanna offend any one

As far as your tanks thats all your gonna have is 1 fish

Come on man I wanna know the whole list for all your tanks

Oh and I dont care what your doc or nurse says I think the comfort that watching your fish gives u will give you alot more years to c your grand kids grow sir.
So you are 1 of the 6 people ever to get the medal of honor, or to be awarded it any way. Woe thats so cool its a honor just to belong to the same sight as you, I think the government should have to do the upkeep on your tank , but not just for your heroism but for you going to war alone

Don't misunderstand me any on this, for what I gotten the medle for was something that would had never taking place if I not snapped as I did. For the Vietcong who wanted me to telling them of military secrets would kill the next man to me for being that our Major at the time was KIA and I was of next in rank to known of certain detailed information. But then again I didn't think that the Vietcong would had believed that I known of little info. Still, I known about certain military information, but I couldn't that is put one man a head and place at risk, untold hundreds.

Still, they shot my friend through his head and many prisoners was still doing work for them. After, they were taking me to some mud hole to think about it overnight. But on the way, they only left two guards to take me to this cage and while walking with them, one was in the lead to where I was to go, while the other was behind me.

And they also had some girls who came to the prison camp who gave them sex for better treatment. And when walking pass two girls who were out near some small river stream, they were washing their legs and it was here where the guard behind me wasn't watching me as he should been and with that, I cut across his temple with a pen and being that the guard in front of me not had his weapon drown, it became a hand to hand fight and I was lucky to gotten his knife from him and slid his throat.

The rest to what had taking place is too unbelievable even to myself. But out of the 60 known Vietcong that was at that camp, I was giving credit for killing 43 of them. For some of the other prisoners also gotten weapons from the dead Vietcong, for the warning wasn`t sounded until after we had successfully taking out more then 25 Vietcong soldiers.

The truth to the matter was, besides the anger and hate that I felt at that moment before I killed the first two. I believe that I was extremely lucky, blessed somehow that I was too survived it. And so, when I came home after the war was over I visited George parents and had requested their permission if I could place that medal in his casket. After that ordeal at the POW camp, I was giving a citation and later on, giving a commission, the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, I was a Sergeant Major at the time.

Very sorry to hear of your loss in the war thats a issue I won't touch cause I'm anti war and I dont wanna offend any one

Here in the USA, you are your own personal views in what you believe to be right or not, for do you think for one second that every man who goes into combat that they want to go? Few do, but for the most, they only go because their country orders it. You are a free voice to what you want to say, don't attack the person who served his country with full honors.

As far as your tanks thats all your gonna have is 1 fish

The tank again is to be a SPS tank,

These are my fish selection for the 180:

FoxFace Rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus)
(Acanthurus coeruleus) Atlantic Blue Tang***
(Zebrasoma gemmatum) Gem tang *** (Will be added at a much later date due to the price tag this fish demands)
Redface moray (Monopenchelys acuta) Pair
Blackcap Basslet (Gramma melacara)
2 Old Glory Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
Blue spotted jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti)
Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
Pinkbar goby (Amblyeleotris aurora) **
Canary Fang Blenny/Canary Blenny (Meiacanthus oualanensis)***
Purple Firefish/Purple Dartfish (Nemateleotris decora) *
Fridman's Pseudochromis/Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)***

I remember a story from WW11, fighting against Japanese forces on Iwo Jima. John Liems, launched a surprise attack against a rock imbedded fortification, what this man had done is far more a greater hero. I not remember the whole story behind it, but I do remember that he was being shot at by machine gun fire and carried to safety a serious wounded marine and that if I recall it correctly, he went back out there under heavy machine gun fire. The main thing there was he was trying to save the lives of his men.

One other thing were you said that the government should help me with my tanks. For the most part, our government had turned their backs on the service men and women who lost either a leg or both and arms, I see these men all the time in our streets asking for handouts and it hurts me to see them like that after their service and sacrifices, they have nothing.

Im wondering if it will be the same thing here with our men and women serving in Iraq, for do you have any idea in the numbers who lost a leg or arm or more? Im seeing this to be no different for did you know that the serious injured were a while ago was awarded a sum of money and that was taking back away from those who were permanently disabled and back then when I heard of this, made me feel sick to my stomach.

The bottom line here is that I felt that I not/didn't earn it :oops:

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