It all started with a toadstool leather

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2012
Roy, WA
It all started with the major ice storm power outtage we had this last January. :smow: I experienced what a lot of people experienced......dead fish. The power outtage lasted 4 weeks for me and I lost all of my fish in my 29gal bowfront FOWLR tank, and all but 3 out of 20 fish in my freshwater tank. My wife was very discouraged and told me that we shouldn't get anymore fish and just store the tanks.....luckily....I don't ALWAYS listen to my wife. :blah: lol. I decided to "rebuild" and try again. I had only started in the saltwater hobby 3 months prior to the power outtage, so I decided to do more research and take my time restarting. I learned I should have more live rock then I originally had, so I contacted Josh at Indoor Reef. He hooked me up with a lot of nice live rock, and a couple of large pieces that had corals already attached to it. He gave me some with green and purple mushrooms, and one with a large toadstool leather attached to it. That's where it all started.

After cycling my new tank and putting in the live rock, I knew absolutely nothing about corals. I just had one regular flourescent light that came with my 29gal bowfront but Josh reassured me that it would be sufficient for the softies. After a few days of setting things up, the toadstool leather just looked like a large brown flatulent...:censored: and was far from impressive. "bloomed" ......and all these cool little hairlike polyps popped out from the top and it swayed in the current like a lovely brown tree in my tank, and all of the mushrooms opened up and spread over the rocks. From that point on, I had to have more....and more....and more. Instantly ADDICTED. I researched more, ordered new lighting, and visited Josh a few more times and picked up a few more small corals. Did more research and decided I would upgrade my tank (because bigger is better) and setup a sump system. After a few EXPENSIVE trips to buy corals at Petco, I learned of REEF FRONTIERS from one of their employees and it has been all down hill from there. :love:

I now have a 46gal bowfront that I've been steadily trying to add corals to, and constantly upgrading my equipment and lighting. After first setting up the 46gal I sprung a small leak in one of the seems at the base of the tank and leaked about 30 gallons of water onto my wife wasn't impressed. Took it all down again, cleaned up my mess and bought some more live and dead rock, fixed the leak and set everything up.....again. So about 4 months have gone by and I setup my "new" tank and I have since visited a few of my fellow Reef Frontiers members and picked up some great corals, even making some friends along the way that I can actually have "tank talk" with, without getting the normal "uh huh..yup...yeah that's nice...yup" :der: from people who don't necessarily show the same interests in this hobby like we all do. Everyone asks "have you put up pics"..."what does your tank look like", and now...I think I am finally ready to post some pics after many hours of re-scaping my rock work over, and over, and over again, and finally getting my algae issues under control. Thanks all for your advice and your help in feeding my addiction!! CHEERS!!

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P.S. Sorry my phone doesn't take very good fishtank pictures....Thanks for checking out my thread!



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Well it looks like all your patience and persistence has paid off.
It looks great!
Thanks guys I really do appreciate it! Still always a "work in progress". lol. I can't believe how addicted I got to this hobby so's great!!
How big is the next build??
You should really TRY to get your wife interested in some aspect of the tank!!! It will be much much easier in the future to justify the $ we addicted reefers dump into our tanks.
You have done much better than most getting started in this hobby. Remember, Research,and ask Qs
Thanks Peppie I appreciate it. I just recently picked up a 120 acrylic tank that I hope to build a stand for and maybe within the next year or so convince the wife that it would look great in our house. lol. Slowly but surely she's showing interest, mostly in the fish though. I think once my corals start growing out and she can see what I've been "visualizing" since I started this hobbie, she may have more interest <<fingers crossed>>. I am definitely the research and questions guy, and I do appreciate everyone at RF helping me with these things, honestly I only had a good start on things because everyone I have picked up corals from have given me great advice and dos and don'ts. Along with the RF threads that all other member's are quick to answer and troubleshoot problems definitely helps tons. thanks again guys!! I hope to add more pictures as it grows and update you on the tank. By the way, anyone know how to add pics directly onto the thread without it giving you the link to see them?? Still pretty new to this. Thanks!!!
