It started with a free Nano cube!!

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Dec 31, 2007
It all started with a free Nano cube from my brother , nothing in it but some sand, dead smelly coral and about a inch of the worst smelling, nastyest looking watter i have ever seen. The tank was wraped in a black plastic bag and was sitting outside his gurauge for maby a year before i got it .
I have never seen a tank like this one before so i looked it up online ,, there is all kinds of stuff about these little 12 or so gallon tanks , but the part that i found interesting was it said SALTWATER !! and i thought ,, humm i have had really good luck with freshwatter fish how hard could saltwater be :) LOL .
So i cleaned the tank all up and filled it with live sand,rock,watter and got a few fish ,, i added a 10 gallon tank beside the nano cube a pump that moves watter from the 10 gallon tank to my refugeum with live sand ,rocks and some kelpy stuff i got from a friend that has a saltwater tank , and back into my nano cube then i added a siphon tube between the tanks .
That little setup worked great for 2 years now ,, but recently i got a 55 gallon tank and set it up , moved my fish, and most my live rock into that tank , i got so much more room in my 55 gallon tank , i built a new refugeum added the kelpy stuff and now that tank is going good , my fish are all healthy and the watter is checking out fine ,, but i need to fill the tank with more live rock and i was thinking some soft corals . in the 55 gallion tank i got a good amount of live rock , i have had to buy alot more , i have 2 yellow tail damsiels , a clown fish , a coral beauty angel , a scooter blenny, 2 small hermit crabs , a emerald crab, 1 feather duster , a snail, a peperment shrimp, and a scallop. i was thinking about later adding a tang maby a yellow or striped tan and black one ,, anyways any sugestions on where i should go from here with this new tank , as far as fish go after the tang i dont really think i need any more , i really would like some corals and more life on my rocks and the bottom of my tank . any sugestions would be nice :)
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I know this is an old thread, but this sounds like a cool tank! Can we see some pictures?