It's Great To Be Back !

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Aug 14, 2008
Rocky Mount, NC
I'm so glad to be back in the hobby, with my 45H FOWLR stocked and cycling after an 18 year hiatus....

Newly Set Up 004 S.jpg
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18 years huh...Welcome back to the hobby. Keep us posted on your progress. We all love pictures.
You say Fish only? Dont plan on any corals? What are you planning for fish? Theres just too many to choose from.
I want to keep the FOWLR more or less reef-ready for now, as I may later decide to add more LR and upgrade it to a reef, but just plan on a few fish for now: Green Mandarin, Maroon Clown, Coral Beauty Angel, Royal Gamma Basslet, and maybe an Azure Damsel. Need to also find out what sorts of cleanup critters I can use, and acquire them as well.
18 years huh...Welcome back to the hobby. Keep us posted on your progress. We all love pictures.
You say Fish only? Dont plan on any corals? What are you planning for fish? Theres just too many to choose from.

He doesnt need to add corals. there on his background. LOL
Welcome to RF. I just got back into the hobbie a couple of years ago, after a 20 year absence. I was amazed there were other ways to filter water besides and under gravel filter. LOL ALOT has changed
I was amazed there were other ways to filter water besides and under gravel filter. LOL ALOT has changed

I ripped out my UG 20 years ago in the last setup and added a nice hang-on-the-back CC skimmer. You should've seen all the gunk that I sucked out of the sand bed ! A few quick water changes, and those nitrates fell right on down to near zero. I was toying with the idea of a tickle tower, and actually built a nice one, but (after conferring with reef aquarists) thought the confounded thing would probably drive up nitrates and decided on LR instead for the current setup. Skimmers sure have improved - the old CC required constant tweaking to keep it at peak efficiency.... This new style Aqua C Urchin unit is so much better, requiring no interaction other than simple maintenance....
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welcome back too!! got some real purple rocks in there to jump start your corraline too :)

So - have you thought much about your cleanup crew? Everyone's got an opinion (and usually its conflicting) haha, and we have some great sponsors here that are always full of awesome advice as to how many crabs/snails/algaes you'd like to use in the tank.
Actually, the purple rocks are just decorative; dead pieces of pipe organ coral. Guess I'll use whatever the local reef shop recommends and carries; I didn't do too well buying the LR online (could have gotten better LR), so I want to get everything else locally....
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:welcome: back to the wonderful reefkeeping hobby. Guess it's true of what they say, you can leave this hobby, but at some point you shall return. :lol:
