I've got a new project!

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Oct 7, 2003
Gig Harbor Wa
Hey Everyone. Its been a while since I was really into the Reefing hobby. I still have my tank set up despite many attempts to sell everything off. I finally put some fish in there and now my parents have quit complaining. (its at their house, I started the tank when I was in highschool)

Well, a good friend of mine had a really nice stand and canopy that he built for himself. He has since gotten a better job, got married, and is expecting a kid in July. The tank had to go. So he is loaning it to me.

Its a beautiful stand, cherry wood I believe. It will fit a 20 gallon or a 30 extra tall. Ive done nano tanks before in college and I believe Im up to the challenge (actually it wasnt that hard, I dont see what all the fuss is about)

So I would like to set up this tank at my house, in what will someday be the nursery.

I also inherited all the junk and stuff he saved. I have powerheads, bulbs, ballasts, supplements, 30lbs of dead live rock (oxymoron), filters and more.

But what I really need is a tank. I would love to have one drilled so that I can do a sump, but Im ok if thats not possible. I prefer glass, but can do acrylic if I have to.
Anyone know of a good cheap source of drilled tanks?

Second, I need a better lighting scheme. The canopy he built is only about 5 inches high, and its too close and enclosed for MH, which is the lighting Im most familiar with. I hear there is a lot of buzz around LED lighting. Is is possible to retrofit the canopy to house LEDs without there being a heat issue. I love corals, but I dont have to have SPS. Or I can use a separate lighting system and not use the custom canopy. It seems a shame since it is so beautiful.
Did I mention that this needs to be cheaply built as possible, and not too draining to the electrical bill. I'm setting up a greenhouse right now and that is sucking much of my funds. Not to mention that I have horses which aren't cheap either. Hubby and I both work for Non-Profits so there isn't a lot of income.

Then it comes time to figure what kind of livestock I need. Im a big fan of inverts, so Im sure Ill go overboard with them. I think I want to do a small fish or three, so Im open to suggestions. Dont suggest a tang or you will get slapped. Ive kept frogfish before, maybe I can do that again. I do love their little faces. Or maybe some gobies or a hawkfish. Where does everyone buy fish from these days? I like to get a fish from a LFS but I hate to travel far and there arent many near me. Oh yeah, and Im cheap.

Ill need some live sand to jump start my own, and some macro algaes are a must.

Ill be borrowing lots of things from my other tank because its been set up for over 10 years. Ill probably switch out the dead rock for live stuff. Should help me cycle faster.

So, anything else I should consider?





Fun! Looks like you have a lot of stuff to start a great project. As for the tanks its not terribly difficult to drill glass, its just a bit nerve-racking the first time. You might be able to toss together a cheaper LED setup, it just depends on what kind of corals you want to keep. That would be the best, then you won't have to worry about chillers and such and you can still use that canopy, it looks great!
You can also run t-5's in that canopy and they aren't nearly as expensive as led's. Where do you live? That would help us let you know where to buy stuff. Nice looking furniture, looks like you have a good jump on your project.
i have drilled glass and its not bad at all, i had a buddy hold a hose over the drill location, no prob, if your looking for an inexpensive way to achieve moon lighting i built one with led blue christmas lights. predrilled plexie and set them in the holes, anyway its an option if your looking to achieve the look. anyway keep ups posted!!

This basically the first attempt, for the price there is no way to beat the result-for-price- if your willing to take the time to put it together, i don't know the par or any of the details but it does the job for what it was intended, i had it on my 10 fresh tank with those danios that glow, it was a cool effect. let me know if this helps

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hey Blennybabe,

you do not need to have a drilled tank to have a sump. Check out Eshopp's external over flow box. I use one on my 40gal, excellent product. Never had a problem with power outages, though they are kind of noisy. You may have to build a gurgle buster, cheap, about $3-$4. Reef Aquarium Filtration: Eshopps Overflow Boxes

Hear is a nice LED fixture, they also have smaller ones. You may find one to work, about the same as a T-5 fixture.Evolution LED Light 100w 3G [20k] : REEFKOI CORALS, SPS, LPS, Zoanthids

Just a few options, there are many more, it is hard to decide sometimes. I am getting a couple of the LED units soon, and I use the O/F box. Someone else may have some better options, the O/F box is an option I like, instead of risking breaking my tank.