Jbj mod ?

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When I did my 10 gal nano with the false wall, after doing a water test I realized the pumps were a bit too much for the overflow to handle so all it really took was altering the teeth with I lengthened. Worked like a charm. All I used was a dremel. I'm not sure how the new jbj nano's look so if you don't have a picture, I'll have to google it to see if I can see how the overflow section is setup. All you might need is additional slots/teeth.

Have you water tested it yet to see if it can handle the two pumps running together?

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Yeah I tested the water. Barley gets enough water but the flow looks good. I'll take a pic tonight and post it on this thread.

HTC tapatalk
Sounds good. If barely enough to handle the flow then you need to expand the slots one way or the other. If the water level drops too much (which it will drop through evaporation) and you don't top off in time, the overflow will handle less and less flow. Also, if something gets caught up in the teeth/slots like say a dead fish which will prevent full flow through the overflow, you may have a problem. Better safe than sorry and not play it too close. Leave some room incase something happens that the overflow will still be able to handle the flow as they are limited to the amount of teeth they have, size and length. :)

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I get ya. So basically not only will I want to make the teeth of the overflow deeper, But I would want up add more slots to the over flow as well. I'm going to take a pic of the over flow in like 30 minutes. Then include my thoughts of what I could do.

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Front view


Back view




Whole 28 gal
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By the looks of it, it doesn't look like you can go wider with the teeth adding more because of that baffle blocking it in the back. That's a weird overflow.

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I know right :screwy: but I was think of adding to The other sides of the baffle. Kind of going around it. Get What I'm sayin?

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Yeah but in your experience is it a good option. The wifey will only let me do minor mods. Lol so I've decided to put my f8 by himself which is best. And mod the hello out of his tank Lol. And its going to have 20 - 25 times the flow bb. Lr mini refugium. Led lighting.

HTC tapatalk
IMO If you want high flow add a large power head and keep the return pump as designed for the tank. I think the flow thru the filter area will be just fine. There have been large debates about high/ low flow thru the sump both seem to work just fine.