Jebao Dosing Pump?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
Looking for reviews. Interested in buying one but would like to see more recent opinions from those who've been running one for a bit.
I have one. As long as your dosing container is close to the pump they work great. I tried to use one pump for kalkwasser. I set up a 5 gallon bucket about 8 feet from the pump & it wont prime. I dont know if more expensive units are capable either though.
How long have you had it running? How's the accuracy? My plan is for CA/ALK and top off. Though I'm not yet sure if it will work for topping off. I go through almost a gallon a day. What is the max ml per hour oh and is it quiet?
I have not had it running very long. As far as using it as a top off, your reservoir would need to be close. I wanted to use a 5 gallon bucket but cant put it close enough for my setup so i am using a gallon jug. Its not silent but not too loud either. Dosing pumps are expensive. For the price, I am very happy.
Thank you @Blue Lip. In my case, everything sits right next to my tank already. Nice to hear it's working for you. I'll be ordering soon-yay me!!
I have one. My autotop off water is 4' from pump. It works fine! I am very happy with the unit. I also dose cal and all 2" from tank. From my experience it is very accurate.
It has arrived!! Stay tuned for updates. Will be waiting on new reservoir to calibrate.
I am thinking of getting one of these when it gets too troublesome to dose my 2 part. LMK how you like/dislike it.