Just an FYI

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Not sure how many of you know that this section exists, but we have probably one the biggest, most elaborate resource library here than you could probably find anywhere on the net. I ventured into it one day after talking with Mojo on the phone and was blown away by all of the stuff in there so take a peek. Here is a direct link to it http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f2/ Other than that link, another way to get to it is to go to the home page and then go to the navigation box off to the right of the screen and click the Library tab. You wil find quite a few parent categories with tons of sub categories within each. Almost like another whole forum within this forum. Also, the coral, fish and invert gallery's are amazing as well so check um out!! :D
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Our resource library is exceptional! However, I get frustrated, with the amount of dead links, that are in it. A whole lot of the links, no longer exist.

Curt use to be in charge of the library keeping everything active and up to date, but I think with his new buisness venture, he had little time to update it so that's probably why it is like it is. We'll probably have to get in there and do a bit of updating/house cleaning ourself. :)
Alright who neglected thier Spring Cleaning duties ??? OK, let me guess the new guys get to clean up the old messes

Seriously, I'd take on abit of cleanup duties if its within my powers/abilities. This is such a great resource that has seemingly been unused and unheard of by many. Shoot me a pm or call if this something I can help with.

Cheers, Todd
also, this information is fairly antiquated and after it's cleaned up, i feel should be updated on at least a weekly basis to reflect modern technology,methodology, and new equipment.
if there was some way to make it "blog-like" as in how RB posts new gear and links everyday, it might be more applicable to the average user.
as it stands, it's virtually unused... :(
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OK, let me guess the new guys get to clean up the old messes

Haha!! Not at all!!:p I actually only posted this thread after talking on the phone to Scooty last night as we discussed those sticky's we talked about adding in the New To Reefkeeping section on reefkeeping 101 etc. He mentioned how much resources we already had in the library that many people probably didn't even know they existed so I said I'd toss up a thread that I guess Scooty made a sticky. Didn't realize we had so many dead links though... :confused:
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The big problem is the endless amounts of dead links and the completely outdated information. Usually when you do find a link that goes anywhere the information is all but useless.
I dont know if it is all that bad Akunochi. Yes their are alot of dead links, we are constantly trying to correct that but their are thousands and with all the work being done elswhere on the site, its kind of taken a back seat. We will try and clean it up a bit and add some new more current links. Prior we had a Curt who was doign a great job taking care of it, so if we can find someone else to take on that job it would make a big difference.

take care


I don't mean to come off like it is completely horrid and understand that with the huge improvements it has taken a back burner. Maybe we can have some members do some write ups and take it back on track?

FOr example the last great thread update was in 2004

The last entry into the skimmer comparison data was 2007

In fact the lat post made in the library from my quick once over was March 14th 2010. It was a single post from a person who was excited about getting a diamond flasher wrasse

Paracheilinus Attenuatus (Diamond Tail Flasher wrasse)
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after cleaning, I would be willing to update it on a weekly basis with new skimmers/pump/lights I come into contact with, wich is a crapton... :)
and I liek doing that sort of thing because i ride all the blogs and euro boards to check for new gear anyway.
and if we get some other folks who are more saavy with livestock they can post on alot of the new fish and corals being discovered or are experiencing a popularity boom. with just a few folks making new posts each week it could be much more up to date.
No problem Akunochi, what you said is true. Every year more and more links die, so it needs to be constantly reworked. The library is not something that gets posted in unless their was a new link to add, so that post must have been made while it was being maintained. We will get it back up to date, just might take a bit.

Skimmy sounds good, I always thought you would make a good librarian, such a boring guy, :biggrin1::target: Just kidding that would be great, when I get sometime or a volunteer I will let you know.