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Nov 12, 2010
We got this morning and we have a new rose anemone in are tank. We thought she was going to split but never did I guess she was getting to big for her spot. What a nice surprise.:whoo: They both look every healthy and my clowns are beside there selfs.
So your RBTA did or didn't split? If it did, congratulations, but watch it closely, for awhile. After splitting, they tend to wander. While wandering, they will sting everything in their path. Even more importantly, while wandering, there's a higher risk of them coming loose, and becoming entangled in power heads. Other than that, let it wander. It'll find it's "Happy Spot," soon enough and settle in!
Yes , her split. We are watching then closely. They seem to have stayed in the same area for now. One is alittle higher on the rock than the other but so far so good. The clowns on the other hand are confused a bit, not sure which one they like better... When do you think I can start feeding them again? I know that they need to heal but how long will that be? I don't want them to be unhealthy.