Just set up a 40gb; need some 2nd opinions

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Oct 10, 2007
O'Fallon, Missouri
So my boyfriend and I just set up a 40g breeder for our first reef tank, (well technally it's our second, we had a 12g jbj nano set up and just when I went on vacation it cracked and leaked out POS) so we have 60lbs of live sand and about 40lbs of live rock in it, we have had it set up with water for about 3 weeks now. Have a rena xp2 running on it and a protein skimmer with t5's for lighting (not sure about bulbs thats the bf's area). Last weekend we added about a dozen hermit crabs just to get a bio load going they are all doing well and are fun to watch, but am wondering how to go about stocking fish wise and inverts (shrimp and corals). The fish we absolutly are sure we want are:

yashia shrimp goby
Pink spot shrimp goby
2 purple firefish
red scooter blenny a.k.a. starry dragonnet
madrin and psychadelic drognnet (not till tank gets totally established)
flame angel
a clownfish of some type
and maybe a nice fish that is a good fit that swims openly

Any ideas/opinions on this selection of fish?

As far as inverts go:
2 pistol shrimp
3-5 sexy shrimp
fire shrimp
a few feather dusters
anenome (not sure what kind yet)

kinda need some suggestions about what other soft corals to have.

So how should we stock these? In what order? Any suggestions?
Welcome to RF. The first thing I noticed about your fish wish list, you have several fish that are mainly pod eaters. I would think it would be hard to keep up with their needs. (goby, dragonettes, scooter blenny)
Alright... St.Louis! How many T-5 lights are above your tank? With enough of these lights you can grow just about any soft coral you wish. Be carful with the anenome though, they tend to be very needy (lights, water quality, etc.). Welcom to RF!
Some changes

Okay so pink spot and flame angel are out. Just added 2 pistol shrimp today they are still hiding in the live rock I bought them in. Next to come should be a shrimp goby or two. As for the pod eaters, we plan on making are own food to feed our tank and I have read and researched many articles on dragonnets and have heard many varied opinions about them eating other foods besides specifically pods only. But will supplement them with pods that can be purchased to add into the tank.