Just to make sure I'm doing this right

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
So after reading up and studying for about a year, I have finally started to put together my tank. I just wanted to run it by everyone here to make sure my plan is a good one. So here it goes:

Tank: 75 Gallon
Lights: 48" Tek 5 6 bulb
Skimmer: SWC Xtreme 160 Protein Skimmer
Flow: Not decided yet, But i am thinking one of the vortechs?
Sump: Here is where I need some help. I was thinking something custom but I don't have any of the tools needed to make it. Is there anyone around Spokane that would be willing to help me out?

Its my first tank so the goal is pretty simple. As of now I would just like a pair of clowns with an anemone, some sort of goby, a mandarin, and a clam, with hopefully a Flame Angel but I don't think it would do too well with the clam. (and all this of course after the tank has matured. So at least 6+ months for the clam, anemone and mandarin.)

Anyone have any other ideas or anything I'm missing?
Is it a glass tank? I would consider a closed loop if not. A sump is really really easy. How much room do you have? All you need for a glass sump is glass and silicone. You don;t even have to drill for a bulkhead. You could just go up and over the lip with pvc connected to your return pump.

I recommend flow at about 15x the tank volume per hour.

For example I have a 180 gallon tank.

My closed loop pushes 5400 gph and my return moves appx 650 gph plus 2 Koralia 4's
I did think alot about doing a closed loop. I would like to be able to get some cool corals when I'm more experenced. So I want to design it from the start to be able to do that.

I do really like the look of closed loop without seeing the powerheads. It looks really clean and I am going with the less is more look on this tank.

My tank is glass with a tempered bottom and I don't like the look of PVC going over the top. Can I drill at the bottom of the back and hid the plumbing under the sand? I was only thinking of having a 2" sand bed in the tank and the DSB in the sump. What kind of pump would I be looking at for this size tank if I did that?
Votech powerheads don't take up much room and are much more efficient then a closed loop system. As far as equipment goes it looks like you have made some good choices in that category. I have a 75G right now and I believe my sump is a 30 Long but I could be wrong. I am in Alaska right now and can't measure it but I could when I get home on Tuesday. If you buy a tank that will fit under your stand all you have to do is get some glass baffles cut at a glass shop and Silicone them in and you have a sump. Pretty simple.
So is there a good ratio for tank size to refugium size? How big should my return section be? I know the bigger the better as far as how much I will have to top off everyday. But what should be a good starting point? 5 gallons? 10? Is a 30 Long going to be big enough for everything?
Depends on your return pump. The sump should be as big as possible ehile still leavong you room to fit your equipment and work.
Why would my return pump matter? As long as it pumps water back in my display tank I'm good to go right? I know I don't want most of my flow from the return pump right? Just enough to get a good turn over.
Right just enough for a good turnover in your sump. The return pump matters because it will affest the size of your return chamber to a point. If your chamber is too small then there is no way you will keep enough water in it.
i would go with a vortech, your tank will be easier to sell when you upgrade. unless your tank is in the basement, closed loop pumps add heat to your aquarium.
+1 on the RO/DI unit. It'll make your life 100x easier!
This is a must and should be one of the 1st things purchased when setting up a new tank. It always amazes me how this very crucial and cheapest piece of equipment is the last thing people think about.

+1 on the Vortech's. I have 2 MP 20's on my 80 and love them.

Roger that!!!!!! I would go with the MP40s though. It cost a little more and is the same FP as the 20. It is nice to know that you have the extra power when needed and also when upgrading to a larger system you can use them in the upgrade too.
Already got the RO/DI. It was the first thing I got. So I'm good there. What I am most worried about is the size of my sump. I can't find any reference to how large it should be. Here is all that I have found:

Skimmer section: Just big enough for the skimmer
Return: Bigger the better so you have less top offs to do
Refugium: Enough for some cheato and a DSB

So would a 30l be big enough? I am planning on having an ATO so I think I can get away with a bit smaller return section. What size refugium should I be looking for? 12x12x12? or bigger?
A refugium is not a must. Many tanks run just fine without them. Also you will want to consider what the primary purpose of your refugium is. Nutrient export and pod production are the two biggest reasons most have them.

A 30G sump is just fine for your tank. I used to have a 25G on my 120. A bigger sump is always better. If you have room, you could always set your sump up with two chambers, a skimmer and return pump, then add a remote fuge later down the road.
Just to give you guys an update. I've had it running now for about two weeks. (Big thanks to kevin and Barbie who both helped alot and saved me money.) Right now I've got about 40lbs of live rock and am planing on adding more soon.

Starting to get some algae on the glass now. I know that's a good thing or its at least to be expected. I'd like to add some kind of macro algae to the refugium though. Can anyone point me towards a link that explains the pros and cons of each kind? Also I added a small clean up crew the other day to start shifting the sand and cleaning the glass and what not. What should I be looking for now? What's next? Wait for the end of the cycle and add fish?

Another thing I am looking for is a good timer for the lights. I had originally gotten a coralife powerstrip but then read several reviews where it started a fire so I don't want to use it obviously.
So now the tank has cycled, I have two Ocellaris clowns, an orange spotted goby and tiger pistol shirmp. I have a fighting conch, cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp. I also just got my first coral: a candy cane coral. As a bonus I am having alot of fun in this hobby.

I also just picked up some dead live rock from someone who got out of the hobby about a year ago. I'm almost positive it is dead but you can still see some purple coraline algea on it. I think I have read that if I put this in my tank it will start a mini cycle. If thats true can someone tell me why? If everything is dead on the rock wouldn't the beneficial algea just grow on the dead rock? I'm not sure how that would create a cycle.

Also, I have a bunch of stuff growing on my rocks. I have been trying to look through the hitchhikers guides and find them but thats slow work.

I have something that looks like a plant growning out of some rocks. With leaves and all. Then I have what looks like white stocks with a green tip. And on several places I have small white bulbs growning. One of them has a small whole in the middle of it. Any ideas?

Does anyone else have any other tips or advice for me with what else I should be looking for?
you must boil all the left over stuff out of the rock to be "BASE ROCK"
Then it will not spark much of a cycle..
the old dead stuff on that rock outside and inside will spike your tank..
You MUST clean it properly
This might be a dumb question but boil it like put it in a pot on the oven? I have a big tub could I put some tank water in after my next water change and put a piece of good rock in with the new stuff and leave it to cycle in there? would I need light for it?