KH & CA Dissipating?

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Sep 4, 2007
I have a 764L in total reef system (tank/sump/refugium) started on the 30/07/07.
I used R/O water with seachem salt mix (first time using R/O water, also first time using seachem salt mix),adding seachem stability to establish the bio-filter. On day 7 I tested CA & KH to find that CA was at 380ppm which is fine and KH was at 143ppm which is a bit low,so i added some seachem reef builder to raise to 200ppm (over a few days).Also adding reef advantage calcium to raise to 440ppm (over a few days but on alternate days). On day 11 I added 10 kg of live rock to seed the tank,then I checked CA & KH again on day 12 to find CA dropped 5ppm and KH dropped 9ppm. 2 days later CA dropped 10ppm KH dropped 20ppm what is using it up so quickly,I only have 10 kg of live rock. Can some one advise???
If your calcium and alk are fluctuating fast, check your magnesium. Your magnesium should be 3 times your calcium. For example, if your calcium is 400 ppm, your magnesium should be 1200ppm.

Always make sure your specific gravity is where manufacture designed it to be. Please read label from Salt manufacturer. If your specific gravity is not where it is designed your other elements are off.

good luck,
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That is not fast at all and some may be just noise from the test kits. Adding life rock can cause a higher Alk demands due the release of organics and other chemical reactions taking place. Plus maybe some animals in the LR using up both. Many people use up more Alk than you do. You may have other things going on there also dropping them, such as some abiotic precipitation, i.e hard water deposits on the glass, heaters, pumps, etc..


Actually 3.15, as NSW is 410 Ca++ and 1290 Mg++
I promise I will slow down and read more..

Your right, Those are awesome readings for coral growing. Next time I will slow down and read more and talk less.:oops:
Thanks for the replys,

My S.G is correct per manufacture (1.022) I will just have to moniter it over the next few weeks.

Cheers Volitan