KH too high

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
Ft.Lauderdale, FL
hello, Im having a problem with my KH and wondering what might be causing it.

all my levels aside from KH are in range but my KH is around 14. I did multiple tests reading 14,12 and 14 just using a basic titration type test kit. (not the greatest test kit)

I have been topping off with RO/DI water and doing daily Kalk slurries instead of the drip method like Anthony Calfo recommends in his books. My only thought is maybe im accidently adding the insoluble carbonates by not allowing the kalk to settle properly because I havent been straining them out.Ive just been trying to be very careful not to add them by pouring it in slowly (in the DT)

What would you do in my situation ? should I

A: Stop the kalk slurries until it drops some?

B: continue the kalk slurries making sure I filter the insolubles out first?

C: switch to the drip method.

D: stop Kalk altogether and only use PH buffer?

Im mainly doing the kalk slurries to boost my PH by .20 . I only add enough kalk to the solution to do exactly that once per day.
Address the ph issue seperatly. Kalk is insoluable in SW so your wasting kalk. PH buffers also raise alk. If that little bit of slurry is raising your alk then your consumption does not merit dosing. Ph is a co2 issue.

well im not trying to mix it with salt water tbh. im mixxing it in cold RO/DI water letting it settle as much as possible then dumping the solution in the display trying my hardest not to allow the bottom portion to enter the tank. The calcium side of it is being consumed it seems considering my calcium maintains a steady 420-450 with this method. Maybe im misunderstanding his writings but he says it can be used for PH this way. My ph without the slurries stays around 7.8 - 8.0. with the sluries I can boost it to 8.2 with one or 8.4 with two spread apart by 3-4 hours. I use a PH monitor to judge the differences throuout the day and night.

So you think i just need to raise the oxygen levels somehow instead of dosing ? Co2 is probably because of a lack of flow ? or i have also read that pointing my return nozzle towards the surface from underneath the surface can actually inject Co2 into the water instead of oxygen exchange. stupid bio-cube its my best method of surface agitation.
The method your using is causes the kalk to precip so most is being wasted. Dose it slow with a drip. If your ph is low then you have high co2. Open a window or two and see if it comes up. Its either high room co2 or a dirty tank. Think about it this way we are destroying reefs out in the middle of no where with co2. Think about all the co2 in our populated area. This is what you are fighting. You need flow and fresh air assuming its not just a dirty tank.

ok thanx ill do some experimenting and see what i can figure out. Been out of the hobby the last few years since moving to FL from MN and still a little rusty but i see where you are going with this.

P.S. dont worry the corals are doing great as are the clowfish :) star polys have doubled in size in 2 months the xenia has quadrupled in stalks and the acan has added about 8 polyps and the cut portions have fully recovered :) trying to stay with hardy stuff for now but am trying to get things ready and stable for a Monti cap
. Maybe im misunderstanding his writings but he says it can be used for PH this way.

Yes it will but what Don is driving at is that although it will raise the pH the real issue is high CO2, either in the tank or the room air and usually the room air. For some, where there is an air exchange issues that can be hard to fix, the only means may be to use kalk as it "eats" up CO2 and rasies the pH. And I''l tell you flat out you have a high room air CO2 issue and opening doors an widnows will prove that.

Lastly, it does not mean anything as far as Alk goes, whether it is high or low and yours is high, when it comes to CO2. Meaning, if CO2 is increased the pH will drop no matter what the Alk is. And if the CO2 is decreases the pH will go up no matter what the Alk is. With those low pH's and high Alk it is a 100 % high room air CO2 issues.
ok thanx guys really appreciate it. I was thinking the same after you brought it up. I leave the hood doors open on the bio cube all the time but its not totally open like it should be but this was just a cheap setup for now. I will get more fresh air in here and see if that alone helps. Its hot here in FL so we are always running the AC.

P.S. Born and raised in MN boomer! hows the aquarium doing there in duluth? never got up there to see it since i lived in bloomington but it sounded awsome.
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I no longer have tanks Darth, 35 years was long enough :) And yes lived here all my life and living now in the same house I was born and raised in so to speak.
sorry i meant the duluth aquarium they put up. god it must've been 12 years ago now. think its all local freshwater fish but not sure what theyve added. I know the mall of america aquarium is cool but a rip-off.
yeah i was hoping they would add some mroe exhibits. would be hard to beleiev a bunch of minnasotans would pay money to see musky and walleye since they can go to the local lake and catch them for themselves lol.
Yeah, it was a big thing and was at the top of the list of public aquarium list in the USA for visitors until the "fad" ran out and then it dropped like a rock. That lasted about 2 years. I told them it would. All public aquariums are in the red and have to be supported by other funds from somewhere. In the beginning they had a big staff, Director, Assistant Director, Director of Communications etc.. Well, they go rid of all of them
Good call boomer and Donw. I have already had my PH go up quite a bit just by opening the windows and door for a few hours a day. Too hot to do it very often in south florida though or my tank will overheat. Time to buy some plants :)

It makes me think a good cold air exchange unit would be a worthwhile investment for a salt water enthusiast.

Thank you,
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