Kicking around some ideas...

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Former Squid
Jan 7, 2005
Southern Illinois's my idea to get rid of the powerheads, in my tank. Since I'm not too familiar with closed loop systems, I started thinking of ways I could put a pump inside the main tank, attach PVC and use that for circulation.

Here's a few pics of my idea.

You guys let me know what you think and if you think it will work.

#1....from the top of the tank...

#2....from the front of the tank...
Man somebody on here had the trickest Idea for a closed loop in a glass tank that hung over the back and was plumbed into the tank. It was awesome. I just cant remember what it was called. I think Cesar, or Matt linked it. Ask Kautchpoy or Mattseatlle. I think that was who put the phots on a thread. Sorry I am not more help. Steve
AW2 and steve... Im guilty....
very easy to setup..

AW2, what size of tank are we talking about?

Here is the pic...
Katchupoy said:
AW2 and steve... Im guilty....
very easy to setup..

AW2, what size of tank are we talking about?

The tank I want to build this for is a 200gal. tall.

Someone mentioned I may have a problem with water flow at the tops of the "towers". They said all the water will want to shoot out of the lower holes.

Could I solve that problem by drilling small holes at the bottom and work my way up the tower drilling bigger holes?
AW2, How can I say this... Im not sure that the spray bar concept will work...Its either the holes are too small to have an effect or if you make it bigger then the pressure will be too soft...

thats why people are doing individual port connceted to a ocean motion or a electrically controlled ball valves.

In this way, you will have many ports but will only work one at a time with full pressure, concentrated output of the pump.
Ok, Since you are going to do a setup where the pump is inside the tank... then forget about my posts above... still to make your idea work... you will need a very powerful pump..
I'd have to agree with Cesar on this. I think trying to use a "spraybar" concept is going to require a very large pump and result in a lot of wasted energy. If you are going to do this anyway, I would suggest trying it on a small scale test run to see what the characteristics are. You might be surprised, or you could surprise us and have something that works great. Fluid dynamics tells me that the water will try to exit at the first possible low pressure area (hole) and then move to the next. If you use smaller holes first you'll have high velocity water there, then lower velocity water down the tube. It'll be very difficult to ballance and maintain. Remember that smaller holes will become clogged easily by corraline growth.
I've heard enough to convince me it wont work. The biggest problem I could think of was the amount of water pressure to each hole. Just sounds like it wont be good enough for what I need it for.

I do like the idea, and the pic, of the closed loop that Katchupoy showed. Very cool idea. I'll most likely try that.

I'm drilling the tank on Sat. I just went to Home Depot and bought the bulkheads, etc. And also a new light for my fuge.
AW2EOD Welcome to Reef Frontiers! I noticed that we are homeboys! I grew up in Chicago and still have family there.

I think the Sea Swirl closed loop will work out for you. The SS will handle 1200 GPH so it should provide good flow for you.
I did close to this exact thing. I built my tank to be on a halfwall in my apartment. Because of the wall and it being visible on both sides made any sort of drilling an eyesore.

Here are shots from building it:

I installed 2 600 gph pumps within the tank to pump water through spray bars.


On my 84 gal tank the 1200 gph is about what I would recommend. On your 200 you need something close to 5000 gph. I also added a sea-swirl on another 600gph to help even more. Its a nice idea but needs quite a few pumps.