Killing a defenceless animal

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2003
Just needed to vent a bit. My other passion in life besides fish is ferrets.
We have kept many over the years with most comming into our homes because others didnt want them. Yesterday one of our younsters got outside and wandered off. We put sign and left posters at every house in the neigbourhood. To make this short One of the neighbors came to us and said they had seen him. By the time we arrived the man behind him had beat him to death with a hockey stick.They knew he was harmless but proceeded to beat him even after he was dead. We are pressing charges first thing Monday morning seeing as the cop who investagated didnt have the balls to do anything about. Since when is it ok to beat a poor defenceless animal. Payback is a *****.
sorry but im really pissed about all this and needed to vent somewhere.


Rest in peace Rocket
well I am no big fan of ferrits but that is a bunch of crap, he should spend some time in the pin for that... That ios no different then a dog or a cat....
sorry to hear about that....

Sorry to hear than Miniatus... :doubt: I hate animal cruelty with a passion. A friend sent me a video clip on Friday (which I forwarded to Gabby for her to see) with these guys beating raccoons and skinning them alive with them squeeling! Half way through the clip I had to turn it off and it spoiled the rest of my day and I didn't even feel like eating lunch anymore! I get so upset when I see or hear things like that! People like that should get the same punishment as someone who killed another human being. I don't think of it any differently...Ask my wife! I would honestly run over someone and beat the crap out of them if I saw them on the side of the road abusing an animal or a child and that's the truth! That's where I draw the line with being a nice and calm person! :mad:

I hope the system works in your favor man and I wish you all the best...
Boy Alan,

That stinks!!! I know how much you love your "fuzzies" and this is just wrong, wrong, wrong!!! I'll say a prayer for you tonight bud. :(
That is terrible! At least there are services and "animal" cops that investigate animal abuse. It's a felony offense which I was so happy to hear. You can do some serious time depending on the animal crime... I watch animal cops Houston and it's sad to see what people do to animals and then they don't think that what they are doing is wrong. I am a BIG time animal advocate here and won't stand for animal abuse. If people have that little regard for animal life, what do they think about kids or even other people?? That scares me sometimes.

Sorry to hear about your little guy. I really like ferrets :) I've wanted one for as long as I can remember and think they are a neat animal.
Hey if i was you, i'd have probably beat the heck out of the guy and see how he likes it, but then again i'd end up in jail :p.
Yeah the video Krish sent me was horrible it made me feel bad too :( (even though i got bite by one :p ) i think no one deserves to be treated bad :( .... and what the heck if you are gonna kill something at least do it quick and don't make them suffer.
I hope that guy gets what he deserves.

I watch animal cops Houston and it's sad to see what people do to animals and then they don't think that what they are doing is wrong.

You too?? :p and i thought i was the only one :p:D
Up here in Canada the laws are very vague or lax when animal cruelity is envolved. We have just hurt from the police and they cant lay charges as such themselves. We have contacts with the humane society and a animal active group. The society will now push for charges thru a different route.
What made me laugh was this a-hole told the cop he was an compasiote animal lover. Sic Sic

spongebob lover said:
You too?? :p and i thought i was the only one :p:D

Yep! I just watched it last night. Those episodes made me sad :(

Miniatus, hopefully this guy will get what he deserves... The saying "what goes around comes around" is really true. I guess another word for it is Karma. You can't go through life doing things like hurting harmless defenseless animals without it catching up to you someday.

Some guy just the other month did something really bad and cheated my husband out of a lot of hard earned money. The day after he did this, his 17yr old son had a heart attack.

Hopefully this won't get too complicated for you. I am sorry this had to happen to you...
Up here in Canada the laws are very vague or lax when animal cruelity is envolved.

what part of Canada dood?
I lived in Vancouver and i remember that the SPCA would always give people hard time.
Even the few times i took dogs for a walk, they made me sign papers, give ids and all that stuff.
spongebob lover said:
what part of Canada dood?
I lived in Vancouver and i remember that the SPCA would always give people hard time.
Even the few times i took dogs for a walk, they made me sign papers, give ids and all that stuff.

Im in Ontario,half way between Toronto and Detroit.
Im originally from Edmonton.
SPCA are now investigating and My lawyer is working on bringing charges.
Im in Ontario,half way between Toronto and Detroit.
Im originally from Edmonton.
SPCA are now investigating and My lawyer is working on bringing charges.

I see :) .
i hope they do justice for you and that he pays for what he did.