Korallin BioDenitrator

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Holy cow Darth that is a very expensive way to do it my friend. I will shoot you a pm.

A friend of mine with some huge tanks packed with very large fish had one of these running. She didn't like to do water changes and was happy with it. Ran an auto dosing system too. As Mojo pointed out, this is the expencive way of handling water maintenance
Well P is something we all have control over, it is us that are either adding it or creating a condition in where it is building up. We can use products like pellets or denitrifiers but its always going to be a loosing battle unless we get the source figured out and then deal with it.

well i guess i added too many dirty fish. i have 9 fish and probably way too many snails and ****. i have to feed them at least once or twice a day plus nori that they shred all over the place. i blow off the rocks daily and the skimmer has been pulling out nasty stuff i just dont know how i can get it down any further without adding a fuge or a denitrator. i do 25g water changes every 2 weeks or so and my nitrate is still over 30