Krish dont mess around.

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I'm all for it! Do it right in the town center. BUT.....

"A spokesman for the attorney general's office said the cat was last used in 2000 on a child rapist. That was the first time it had been used since 1994."

WTF?!?!? Thats it! :eek:
I think it is great. If they would make hanging legal I would move and become Krish's neighbor.:D
too bad they don't make it legal here!!! it would clean up the city i'm staying in right now..crime is a joke here..crazy stuff happens everyday.
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No I think I handled that pretty well. I wrote about it on here. I wrote the local news paper. I contacted coporate headquarters filed a complaint that will be filed with the franchise representive for the area, the franchise owner, the area manager, and the store manager. Even the person I talked to a coporate said even if there were no public restrooms they should of made a exception for a 4 year old. She was kind of incredules at first her self.
I think it is great. If they would make hanging legal I would move and become Krish's neighbor.:D

IIRC, hanging is still a legal form of capital punishment here in the good state of Washington. But you have to request it!

But you don't have to move to become my neighbor, you're close enough :lol:
This is just my opinion. I believe that pain is one of the human bodies most highly tuned systems. For some reason thru evolution our bodies have learned that doing things that are contrasurvival are painful. Its like magic. Grab a glowing red hot piece of metal, it hurts really really really bad, and the brain learns HEY thats not smart. Since we have the ability to reason as well, we can use this to teach. If a child criminal is codeled and patted on the back for 6-10 years every time they commit a violent crime, then when they turn 18 they commit rape or murder and are locked up for the rest of thier life, whos fault is it really? If on the other hand the finest tuned system we have is employed in a well reasoned and careful manner, could that child of come to relate violent criminal acts with pain/contrasurvival? I dont believe the prison system works very well at all.
For very bad criminals rapests murderers tortures, they are obiviously not sane. Now they can either always be not sane, so there is no way to fix them, the only real answer is to kill them because they will always be a danger to our society and little girls. OR they can be made sane, but then they would know what they did when they were insane, and that will drive them crazy again. So the only humane thing to do is kill them. Its really simple to me. If a dog bite a human it will do it again. Its not really the dogs fault, it wasnt trained that it was wrong. They cant reason. If a human attacks and harms its own kind for fun or excitement or to steal or dominate, it dropped in my mind to the level of a rabid dog. Not to be coddled or pitied, or reeducated or anything or locked up for 90 days giving 90 days dog probation and let loose with my children.
If the whole drug war was stopped, prostitution was legal. That would stop 90% of the gangs profit. I dont like drugs, but I hate the violence that comes with the inflated prices that is all the drug war causes. If they were cheap and any idiot could get as much as they wanted. Now the would still be social pariahs, and ridiculed but not IMPRISONED they children would have at least some sort of chance. It lowers the need to have gangs to protect turf to sell drugs, to sell women and children into prostition.
OK sorry enough of my rant. The word caning brought it on. It works. It has always will work, and any society that stops using pain as a teaching tool, is on the way down hill.
Tell us how you really feel! :lol:

Since we have the ability to reason as well

Actually, this is what most criminals lack. I believe caning is only going to work on the "little" crimes like stealing and distruction of property.
Krish :eek: :lol: i told you to take it easy on the Children's nyquil :lol: :lol:

does that include Baskin Robbins employees????

LOL!!! :lol: .

Ok first of all that's really gross, a 30 somthing trying to rape an 80 something :eek:.
I agree with you Steve, criminals don't understand and here in the U.S. they get treated really good if you ask me :p, so i think the only best way is to eliminate them (anyways prisions are starting to run out of room:lol: ).

On the other hand, if killing was the only option, then god i hope i do a good job raising my boy because my nightmare even now is that he turns into a gangster or he does something bad.... i don't know if i'm the only one who always thinks about that (even though my kid is only 3 :p) but seriously i'm afraid of that :oops: .