L.E., Tyree, true, fake and what not :p

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
OK i have a few questions doods.

let's start with... who's Tyree? :lol: i know i know... he's a famous person, BUT how did he go naming corals with his name in there?
now why are these corals so expensive? ... it's like holycow :eek: :lol: and the waiting lists are ...well it takes years to get a piece of a coral :lol: .
another question, i've seen lately in other websites call the "real" and the "fake" coral ... specially with the superman monti ... i see tons of people saying... ohh yeah that one is the "real" superman and some others saying, that's not the "real" superman .... how in the world do you know what's fake and what isn't :lol: ?
ohh yeah and also when people say ... this is a tyree (jesus with this dood :lol:) L.E. .. does this mean, you can only get the coral from Tyree dood? ( i know other people have it, but did all the frags came from him?)

sorry if i'm sounding a little nuts but i just wanna knwo... specially with the prices these things go for :eek: .

by the way what do you need to start naming your corals? i'm thinking that may be i can change my rainbow monti's name to... speedy Gonzales or may be Petunia :p :D
LOL...you're funny. :lol:

I guess you just need to discover a piece of previously-not-catelogued coral (like when a highschool kid looks through a telescope and discovers a "new" star). Then people name it after you! :)

Personally I think "flea whisperer" coral is pretty catchy. Have you got your scuba certification?

Anyway, is it Steve Tyree? There must be info. about him out there somewhere...

Here's a link: http://www.dynamicecomorphology.com/
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Tyree doesn't name the corals himself, those that have frags from him are who do that. If it can be traced back to him it just adds to the knowledge that it's what it is and you don't have to worry about anything being fake. Steve kept sps corals before anyone was doing so with any success. Way back when. Sometimes you can look at one of these designer corals and tell it's not the real deal or true. Again if it came from Steve himself you don't have to worry.
As to what is the "real" superman...
A couple years ago, a guy I think by the name of Tubs found a monti with the bright blue base w/red polyps. I think Tyree got his from him. Then recently more and more of those monti types have been coming in but most don't seem to have the same level of brightness to the base and polyps and they can lose that color as the colony grows. They have the same color scheme but is just not as nice looking. So when you get a frag that can be traced to Tubs, then at least you know it has the potential to look like his. Otherwise you can wait forever and be stuck with so so colors.
Anyway, is it Steve Tyree? There must be info. about him out there somewhere...

Here's a link: http://www.dynamicecomorphology.com/

kewl, thanks for the link :) .
i thought that he named the corals so people would remember him but i guess not :p :lol: .

P.S. I already named your rainbow: Vincent
Mine is called Jules (from the movie Twins)

LMAO!!! :lol: :lol: .

I happen to think "Doodet Monti" has a ring to it!

LOL!!! :lol: i also like The Gabster ultimate flea alliance :p .

As to what is the "real" superman...
A couple years ago, a guy I think by the name of Tubs found a monti with the bright blue base w/red polyps. I think Tyree got his from him. Then recently more and more of those monti types have been coming in but most don't seem to have the same level of brightness to the base and polyps and they can lose that color as the colony grows. They have the same color scheme but is just not as nice looking. So when you get a frag that can be traced to Tubs, then at least you know it has the potential to look like his. Otherwise you can wait forever and be stuck with so so colors.

wwouu i didn't know that by the history of the coral you could know if it's gonna be bluer with red all the time or not .
i do notice quite a lot of places having this corals and it seems to be getting cheaper but who knows if they are the real deal..... now i know why people always put "the true Tyree or whatever" :p .
on that main page for that link the blue polpyed monti is a pretty common coral by my standard and i have seen more impressive green scratys then that im not really convinced that his corals are of a Limted edition if u dive nigaloo reef blue polyped montis are every where not to mention solid blues that are just as string as dangs blue tort
i respect this dude as a coral farmer and all the coral that he dose grow and make availbe to the public but i see majorty of these corals every 2 weeks
Actually the original superman was founded by a guy named James. It was sold to atlantis aquarium. And so went the legend.
Steve has given some geat lectures and one was to our local club back in 2003. He was describing a system that used passive filtration using sponges and sea squirts. He has written some excellent books on them as well as what he calls the "enviromental gradient."

He has been involved in the hobby for quit some time and has a great relationship with the distributors in the LA area. This allows him (from personal discussion) to pick corals and associated organisms as they arrive before they go out to other places. Most of the Pacific supply of marine oraganisms go through LA.
Actually, funny thing is spongebob l, he is actually friends with steve, but, that happened after the superman. SO its who came first the chicken or the egg. He got a frag of the supeman, but not untill after the craze had started. Still it makes me laugh how many things I got when I first got started that you cant get near the same price for now because its snowballed into fame.
Having met Tyree on several occasions, and having personally visited Aquascene and Atlantis Aquarium, maybe I can help clear the air. Steve Tyree is a coral farmer, and his Web site is listed above, reeffarmers.com. Tyree's "gig" is collection and marketing of rare corals. Obviously, he sells these on his site, but he also travels a lot, visiting aquarists, and trading his rare frags for their rare frags, if they have anything that interests him. From my experience, he's looking for the highly colored corals, the true eye candy. If he collects a coral from you, he gives you the honor of naming it. Guess who he got the Leng Sy Cap from. How 'bout the Shawn Bennett Tort? Undoubtedly, the "Idaho Grape" (Montipora Undata) came from a reefer in Idaho. It is my understanding that Tyree is also one of those who tracks lineage closely, and that's how one knows if an LE is a "real" or "fake."

The LE distinction is Limited Edition, and it's a marketing term. Corals maintain LE status until they've been well enough propagated and spread throughout the hobby that you can't name it an LE any more. The "Idaho Grape" was actually the first LE coral I ever purchased. Now, it's everywhere. In fact, it's difficult even to give it away around here, nowadays. However, there was a time when it sold for $75 for a 1" frag.

Atlantis Aquarium is a LFS in the CA bay area (Hayward). I was actually there not very long ago. It's everything you'd expect in a LFS. Fish, corals, dry goods, etc. But they also have one super special tank, the LE tank. They have mother colonies of pretty much any LE you can think of, all in one tank. Yes, you read that right, tens of thousands of dollars in corals, in one single body of water! I don't know that they're specifically a retail outlet for Tyree, but obviously there's some sort of close relationship there, even if just personal friendship.

Anyway, seeing these "high-end" corals in person is certainly impressive. There's a LOT of color there. What amazes me, though, is that I've never seen a full sized colony of any of these corals. My antagonist view is that money means more than beauty to most hobbyists, so they never let the corals grow out. I guess I can understand that, because it's a lot of money. However, I gain a great deal of pleasure, and receive many compliments over the fact that my tank is filled with large corals, and not a frag yard. But that's a whole different discussion. :D
Anyway, seeing these "high-end" corals in person is certainly impressive. There's a LOT of color there. What amazes me, though, is that I've never seen a full sized colony of any of these corals. My antagonist view is that money means more than beauty to most hobbyists, so they never let the corals grow out. I guess I can understand that, because it's a lot of money. However, I gain a great deal of pleasure, and receive many compliments over the fact that my tank is filled with large corals, and not a frag yard. But that's a whole different discussion.

I share your opinion, I wish more folks would take this and run with it. Thanx for sharing your ideas.
sumthing that was said by sherman was that tyree trades corals for other rare ones now sum corals can change zoaxanthelle dramaticly in differnt tanks so colours can change with them and a coral that was quiet plain and ordaniry could be cum very rare very quickly

personally i will have to start LE corals in australia because well no one does it no one coral farms yet(hopefully i will) and then i can start ripping people off hahaha nah....like acans i almost shat myself when i was told they are 35 a polyp that woulkd mean my colony is worth 650-750 good thing i only payed 32 for it now thats worth laughing over lol
O.K. Serious hijack... what's up with the dirty woman thing? Have you been cleaning too much?
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