Lack of failsafe's is causing my tank crash

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Fish Tank Freak
Sep 28, 2006
Robin woke me this morning saying that my tank was a bit louder than usual, cloudy and the whole office was smelling like coral.
I woke to the, some say, inevitable tank crash. Fortunately I had 20 gallons of make up water ready to go and immediately started as big of a WC as possible all while trying to trouble shoot the problem. For me, 20 gallons is about 60%. For some reason my ATO reservoir is empty and my first though was that the switch had stuck open pumping near six gallons of Kalk into the tank causing it to over flow the rim onto the floor. Right now I'm feeling like I've made a bad decision buying only a single stage ATO switch.
Anyway, I finished my 60% WC and put a huge bag of carbon into the HOB filter.
After finishing the WC I started looking closely at he corals and fish. So far, Ive lost my CBB and emerald crab. I still havenmt seen my algea blenny and the hawk fish is hanging in there. The snails are and hermits seem to be hanging in there but I dont hold much hope for them long term. The cleaner shrimp seems to have plenty of energy. All of the softies and LPS are opening back up and looking far better already and the birdsnests and catspaws are looking like they will make it. IM not so sure about the red planet and a couple other acro's at this point.
I'll be doing another 60% within a couple hours to help with the recovery of any survivors.

Now back to the lack of failsafes.
I recently added a new Eshopps skimmer to the tank. Last weekend I went out of town for three days and knowing that the collection cup would be too full I put a hose from the cup into a gallon jug in the stand. For some reason, the skimmer went crazy and overflowed causing the ATO to kick on. This added near six gallons of RO/DI Kalk to the tank raising the Ph and Alk all while lowering the salinity to 1.021. The gallon jug simply overfilled when the skimmer went crazy. I should have known better and taken the hose off the skimmer as soon as I got home.
You should never simply have a hose on your skimmer without the proper collection bin with either a float valve shut off or on some models I've seen a ping pong ball type float shut off.
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Sorry to hear this Duane. Such a sucky bump in the road right after getting back in. I hope everything comes back around from this point forward for you.

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We'll see, I think I jinxed myself when I made the comment to Robin yesterday how everything was looking better than ever with the addition of the skimmer and new LED lighting. My corals were coloring up more than I've seen in this tank. The ponape birdsnest is having better color on any that I've ever seen. We'll see if it keeps those colors after this event.
Duane bud, that really really sucks. Hope it all turns around for you, give me a call if you need an extra hand or 1/2 a brain to figure out next course of action.

Best of luck, Todd
Sorry to hear man..:(. I hate to say it, but this is one of the main reasons I don't do anything automated if I can help it besides lights. I just don't trust a lot of things. I rather manually top off, dose etc than to rely on some equipment to do it for me. Guess it's my OCD. :rolleyes:

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welcome to bring stuff by my place Duane. Tank is up and running fine and can house your stuff easily. Snow isn't nice, but the offer is there. Hope everything pulls through for you. And you can always ask a fellow reefer to stop by once or twice while you are out of town ;)
Thanks for the offer Reed and the kind words everyone else.

It looks like all of my corals should make it. There is significant bleaching in my ORA red planet an another purple acro next to it and my German blue is not too happy but the base still has good color. I should be able to save them unless they RTN over the next couple days. I'll probably have to pull the rest of the snails out. But other than that, things could be alot worse.

What blows me away the most right now, the Cali tort, which has always been my most difficult challenge seems to be doing the best out of all of my acros.
well, that's good news that they are looking to pull through. Good thing it's the small tank and not the big tank...water changes in a small tank are a lot easier. Good luck my friend.
Something to try...ATO alike Tsnami A-1 I am using to shut down my skimmer if the 5g bucket gets more than 1/2 full. So far it works like a charm. BTW it is handling my SRO 3000 cone pump just fine. Tsnami A-1 utilize air pressure sensing and can't be fouled like mechanical float switches. Also they have magnetic clips now for securing them too.
Hey Duane! Bummer to hear about the mini disaster. When we setup new tanks up for clients there is always the "why do I need two of those" or "is that really necessary". I try to explain over and over that the ocean does not like being in a box, water loves to fall, and YOU CAN NEVER BE TO SAFE! These aquariums are huge investments (even the little ones) and it only takes a few minutes to destroy years of work. Sounds like most of the corals will pull through. If there's anything you're having trouble tracking down let me know. BTW I thought you were out of the saltwater end...once an addict always an addict :)
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Sorry to hear of your crash,
Just a thought ,run the overflow tube from your skimmer cup to your sump where your ATO switch is located.

I have two switches set up on mine, they are plugged into a timer that turns on for 1 min every 4 hours. The most I can pump in the sump is 1 min of water.
So far so good, Knock On Wood.
Thanks for the ideas guys. This is a sumpless system and was supposed to be a very very simple softy tank. Of course it has been become more elaborate due to it becoming an SPS dominated tank. When I set up the 65 in its place I will have a sump and more fail safe systems like I did when my total volume was 500 gallons. The skimmer that caused this crash is only a week or two old for this system and I haven't really had time to think of the fail safes I need for it. I guess I should have thought about it harder.
Hey Duane! Bummer to hear about the mini disaster. When we setup new tanks up for clients there is always the "why do I need two of those" or "is that really necessary". I try to explain over and over that the ocean does not like being in a box, water loves to fall, and YOU CAN NEVER BE TO SAFE! These aquariums are huge investments (even the little ones) and it only takes a few minutes to destroy years of work. Sounds like most of the corals will pull through. If there's anything you're having trouble tracking down let me know. BTW I thought you were out of the saltwater end...once an addict always an addict :)

wow!!unbeliveable now ,,you are believed in basic fundamental of reefing.:deadhorse:ha ha
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Sorry hear about the troubles man. I know how frustrating it can be to have something go seriously wrong and lose critters because of it.

Not to kick you while you're down, but I've read many many case very similar to yours where Kalk is hooked up to an ATO, and something goes wrong, and the ATO does its job and pumps kalk into the tank spiking the pH and killing almost everything. For this reason, I refuse to connect Kalk to an ATO. Its just not worth the potential problems IMO.

Can you hook Kalk up to a resevoir that is not controlled by your ATO?

Sorry hear about the troubles man. I know how frustrating it can be to have something go seriously wrong and lose critters because of it.

Not to kick you while you're down, but I've read many many case very similar to yours where Kalk is hooked up to an ATO, and something goes wrong, and the ATO does its job and pumps kalk into the tank spiking the pH and killing almost everything. For this reason, I refuse to connect Kalk to an ATO. Its just not worth the potential problems IMO.

Can you hook Kalk up to a resevoir that is not controlled by your ATO?

Not at this point. Ive heard all the nightmare stories about kalk killing tanks and have actually had a similar event with a catastrophic kalk Ph spike but was able to save everything thanks to help from RF. In this case my crash was caused from my skimmer being set up improperly. Im feeling like the sudden drop in salinity was as much to play as the additional Alk. The Ph probe was only reading four tenths higher than normal.

How about removing the waste collector, and putting some sort of splash guard in place so that if the skimmer ever goes nuts again, it will stay confined to the sump?

Or possible go with some sort of dosing pump for your top off? One where you manually set the rate it topps off, and it wont deviate from that...something like a Liter Meter...(I know there are non LM dosing pumps that are significantly less expensive on Ebay...)
