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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
So I'm on my way to having my first predominantly SPS tank. I'm setting up a 75 gallon reef. So far, it's up and running with about 100 lbs of live rock and a shallow sand bed. Well, kinda
I'm currently running 1 HOB overflow but will be adding a second. My sump/fuge is a wet/dry system (for now.) I removed the bio-balls and placed chaeto, live sand and rubble rock in that area. In the sump, I'm running a ProClear Aquatics MSP 150 skimmer. I'll probably change that out for my Remora though. I'll soon be replacing the wet/dry with a sump/fuge I'm building out of a 29 gallon tank. Then I'll add a second HOB overflow and use a larger return pump to increase my flow. Currently I'm using a 600 GPH return pump that utilizes a SQWD. I also have 3 powerheads running inside the tank. 2 are MJ1200s with Hydor Flo attachments and the 3rd is a RIO 1400 centered on the back wall and aimed at the front wall and a lil' up. Once I get the larger return pump going, I'll change the powerhead arrangement some and maybe add a second SQWD. I really like the Hydor Flow units too! I'm also running a HOB aquafuge that adds a lil' flow plus the added benefit of a refugium that pulls water from the tank and pushes it on through back to the tank instead of chopping up critters as they pass through a pump on their journey from the sump/fuge to the display tank. I hope they appreciate that. I really wanted to drill the tank and himmed and hawwed about that for a couple weeks before deciding against it.
My lighting is going to consist of a T5 fixture (Sun Supply Tek5 48" 6 bulb fixture) I still haven't decided on the mix of bulbs I'm going to use. Yeah, Yeah, I know...I should be going with MH lighting instead. I've heard it all and done a lot of research into it. I know I may not be able to keep acros but I think I'll still have a pretty good system for most other SPS. Might even eventually try acros up high. Who knows, maybe I'll end up needing to upgrade to MH eventually. Right now, I don't want to have to deal with the price of a MH fixture, the cost of operating and the issues of heat involved with MH. If I do upgrade in the future, the T5 fixture will be perfect for the 75 FW planted tank that's next on my
I'm hoping that starting this tank out with RO/DI water will help with problems I've had with the other 2 tanks, which started out with tap water and had tap water in them for about 6 months before I invested in an RO/DI unit. I'm also studying up on Kalk and will be making my own gravity drip system. I'll also be investing in a couple test kits that I haven't had in the past...CA, ALK, Mg. I've still got a lot to learn about the whole interaction between these 3 elements. I also want to start learning about coral food mixes. I do feed some of my LPS and softies frozen mysis shrimp and they seem to love it. I want to be prepared to offer food to the SPS as well. Either that, or be prepared to start growing phyto to get a good population of copepods started and growing.
I guess I've got a lot of learnin' to do in the next few Any suggestions, comments or advice would be really appreciated!! Thanks all for putting up with my long windedness!!
LOL No No, I've got the 75 SW up and running...and another 75 empty, waiting for floor space!! I'm not sacrificing saltwater. I'm combining a 29 and 46 SW into a 46 and 75 SW!! lol. In the process I'll tear down the 29 SW and a 40 acrylic FW and set up a 75 FW. Heck, no way could I afford to set up 2 75 SW!!! I'm just saying that if the T5 isn't enough and I upgrade to MH, the T5 would be perfect for the FW planted tank. Yeah, why can't FW plants live in SW under MH???? Someone needs to do some genetic enhancements to fix that. While they're at it, they need to create a SW Plecostomus!!!
LOL!!! naww dood why bother.... just get some grass and decor your fw tank :D :lol: .
It sounds like you're getting there dood... any pics :D ?
FW tank isn't up yet. I have a 40 gallon FW planted tank going but it definately needs some work. That'll get done when I tear it down to make room for the FW planted 75. I can take pics of the 75 SW as it is now...I'll also take pics as I build the 29 gallon sump/fuge and as I make the changes I mentioned to the 75. I wish I'd have started taking pics of it from empty to now. Oh well, not emptying it to start!!! lol. I'll post pics soon. It'll probably have to be through my photobucket site because I can't seem to figure out how to make the pics small enough to put in the thread. Also, I can't see other's pics in threads...who knows how many others can't as Wish I could figure out what's causing that problem.

I still want someone to genetically create a SW Plecostomus!!! Perhaps a Bristlenose variety.
All dificulties considered, I think lighting will be the least of your worries if you want to have a few acro. All the lighting in the world wont save you if you have bad water chemistry. If you have do have decent water chemistry, then your lights will only limit you in "how fast" they grow, not if. I have a 5 bulb unit with 5 acros under it. They are all growing and and mainting excellent color.

And if you find those SW pleco's Im in for one!