Lazy/drunk fish

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Mar 9, 2013
Mercer Island
Hi All,

I haven't had very much luck responding to fish illness, with most things leading to fishpocalypse. So I thought I would turn to you all for advice.

I have a newish pair of occelaris, but one of them started acting "drunk" and shy the last few days. They spent 4 weeks in QT and have been in the DT for 6 weeks. One is fine, the other just isn't right. He is still eating, just not with the same vigor as expected. There is also a really long trail of excrement(?) that has been growing for the last 2 days, and is now longer than his body. No spots/rubbing, but he is looking more transparent than usual. Any advice?

pH 8.09
temp 77.4
SG 1.026
NH3/NH4/NO2 0
NO3 0
Phosphate .13ppm

Diet: alternate between arctipods and ROE for daily feeding. Other tankmates: bangai card, blue neon goby, emerald crab and cleanup crew.
I dont think that is excrement. are you sure its not a worm? Is his belly getting large and transparent?
I think you are right. Worms fit the symptoms. Prazipro recommends dosing the water for a few days with little ill-effects to livestock. Is there an advantage to soaking the food? Should I soak food and dose the tank?
The worms live in the fishes intestinal system. Soaking the food gets the meds straight to the worm to kill it.

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I have some praziquentel powder if you need some...prazipro only treats the outside it is NOT systemic..

also, 4wks is not long enough for QT for clowns..need minimum of 6 wks...
So I started the PraziPro. I was looking at the link that you sent and it specifies that it is for pond fish. I take it you haven't had any issues, but I'm reluctant to start a medication not prescribed for saltwater fish. Would the Paracide-D or Paracide-X be better?
Even though it says pond fish it is ok to use on saltwater fish..this was the same question i had and was confirmed by Lee Birch before he left
I ran the prazipro for 5 days, and on the 5th day the fish was looking much better. Impatient, and concerned I didn't dose the right amount the first time, I planned on turning the skimmer back on, removing the prazipro, and redosing while waiting for my shipment of praziquentel. Well, the skimmer went nuts and dumped a massive amount of microbubbles into the tank, clearly bugging my fish. Turned the skimmer off after a few collection cups and redosed prazipro, knowing I'd removed some but not all.

2 questions: How do I get this stuff out of my system in another week so I can start skimming again?
When the praziquentel comes in, should I start the food treatment even though parasitic signs are no longer present?

to remove, turn on skimmer and run carbon.

to use praziquentel, the fish needs to be eating...and you have to use the proper dose..too much will kill the fish..

if not showing symptoms, i would hold off for now...

as a side note..when QT fish, I tend to prazipro all fish 5-7 days and depending on species, may do it twice...butterflies are on the list to run prazipro twice..
along with prazipro, I also run copper for 2 wks, and then hold for another 4 wks...
Well, a brutal update. Prazipro x 2 and daily paracide-d feedings appeared to take care of the stringy poo, but the clown then lost the ability to stay upright. Swim bladder problem? After a week of this behavior, the little clown gave up the ghost. I moved him over to a hospital tank in case it was bullying, and he lasted a few days. Is this something that the worms could have caused and I didn't react fast enough? Or was the black/white ocellaris just beating him up when I wasn't looking? Should I even consider introducing another orange clown to the mix?
yes worms can do this..

how many clowns in your 40g? I would think one or a pair of the same species is sufficient..

I would NOT have multiple clowns of different species in the same tank as it is too small.
I had 2 clowns in 40g, one orange and one black/white. Orange one is the one that died. The black/white is a little aggressive when feeding, so I was a little concerned that she damaged the orange one. She has only been in the tank for 8 weeks. Has it been too long to try and introduce another orange one to the mix?