leather's split

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Jason Cody

Active member
Nov 21, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I have a leather coral that not too long ago shrunk and pulled in all of it's polyps. Then one day it started to divide into two. It eventually split apart and I ended up with two leathers. Now they both seem to droop and don't stand upright like they did when they were one. Any ideas why they are doing this?
Leathers are notorios "cry babies" and as long as the water param's havent change, im sure it will be fine in a week, when i first got mine i had to move it to a better tank location, and it pouted for a week, now its huge and happy
hm i don't know to much but i believe your leather is gonna be fine as long as it has good flow and good lighting dood, i wouldn't worry unless Anthony says the opposite :) .
nope... agreed :)

Have patience... they are indeed fussy. Especially if you frequently put your (ungloved) hand in the tank. Quite disturbing to leather polyps, indeed.