Leaving tank for a few days......

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
How long is it safe to leave the tank unfed for, 24 hours? 48? We've been meticulous and keeping our feeding schedule very regular. Wondering if an overnighter away and not feeding for 48 hours would hurt..........
IMO, fish can go a while without food (48 hours should be a breeze) but corals may differ a bit. I've never kept corals to say what they can and can't take, but on fish alone, you should be more than fine. Don't forget about evaporation though:)
LOL!!! i think i'm a criminal when it comes to that :p.

hmm so far when i have gone out of town... my fishes have handled a week without food :p... but now don't ask me how they react when i'm back home :p.
I think the best way is to buy a little feeder than can throw some food once a day in there .
just so you know there's some kewl ones in petco but i'm sure you can find better ones in real fish stores :p.
evaporation is the real problem with leaving a tank unattended. also anenomes like to move when you least expect it. I have heard stories of them getting stuck in a overflow and dying, creating toxins in the water and potentially killing a few things.
Excellent advice one and all. Fish can go for awhile not eating. Look at how most wild caught get to the lfs, caught, stored, bagged, shipped, held again, distributed, stored, bagged, shipped and in the "display" at the lfs. Do you think they are fed once if at all until they hit your lfs? No. Corals being fed, once to twice a week should suffice. They should be okay. Evap would be the issue, esp. if you keep your tank at a sg of 1.026. Enjoy your trip, Mike.
evaporation is the real problem with leaving a tank unattended. also anenomes like to move when you least expect it. I have heard stories of them getting stuck in a overflow and dying, creating toxins in the water and potentially killing a few things.

i totally agree... if your tank is one of those that need you to be adding water .... then pal you're in trouble :p.
Heres something I did for my trip. A few days prior to going, I slowly lowered my sg to 1.024. With my tank and figuring for the average daily evap and at what point the sg changes, I was almost on the money about the tank's normal sg when I got home. Adding for evap with an 1/8 sw to 7/8 of fw to keep the sg at its normal range.
yea, i just feed my clownfish (which i had forever) once every two weeks or even less and he's doing fine. i'm guessing he finds plenty of pods in the lr or something b/c he never seem too hungry
I am going to be gone for 13 days when i get married and the only thing i am getting for my tank is a large rubbermaid container and about 30gal of R.O. water. Luckily my brother will be back before us and he is just going to feed the fish and shark for me. If he wasn't going to be back in time i would only be worried about the shark going on a feeding frenzy on his tankmates. But they are all too big for him to eat.
I have an auto-topoff, but I frequently leave my tank for 5-6 days at a time without feeding.

If I'm gone more than that, I'll arrange to have somebody feed it and refill the the RO reservoir however.
