With it going into a JBJ, you really only need 24 LED's. In order to cut a little bit of the cost I have listed two different possible configurations that may help you out.
JBJ 24LEDs non dimmable with only one control - meaning that you will not be able to adjust color temperature just intensity.
6x CW Phillips Luxeon = 17.94
6x WW Phillips Luxeon = 17.94
12x Rb Phillips luxeon = 35.88
1x meanwell driver = 33.00
1x heatsink = 22.00
then include 40.00 for misc (wiring, potentiometers, and solder)
= 166.76.
For color control you will have the same equipment excet for the added driver. With this set up you will be able to control more of the color temperature. Adjust whites and blues to get the spectrum that you want
6x CW Phillips Luxeon = 17.94
6x WW Phillips Luxeon = 17.94
12x Rb Phillips luxeon = 35.88
2x meanwell driver = 66.00
1x heatsink = 22.00
then include 40.00 for misc (wiring, potentiometers, and solder)
= 199.76