led lighting recommendations

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Chad W

Active member
Sep 29, 2005
Hi all,

I have kept saltwater for probably 20+ years and now I am working on putting together a 100gallonish discus tank.

I am trying to gather ideas on how to do my lighting. I know I will not probably need a lot of intensity and my color temp. will be different on an discus tank vs a reef but looking for a led light that can accommodate this.
I would like a pendant type light (AI,Radion) style.
I also have a Apex controller that I could use for control.
I also see AI has some controllers but not familiar with them. Not sure if that is a better option than the apex?

I have been off the boards for awhile and am not familiar with the latest equiptment out now so any help is greatly appreciated.
