LED to APEX help...

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
A buddy and I have been workin on a 3 color LED build to for some actual fluorescent augmentation to my Halides. Pencils out as follows:
5'L X 2'W X 10"H. 3ea 250W DE MH fixtures at ends and in middle. 2ea canopy length 1-1/4" aluminum square stock for heatsinks with squirrel cage style blowers at one end of each for cooling front and back of canopy.
4ea ELN 60-48Ps
1 Running 15ea Cool blues(8 on front bar and 7 on back)
1 running 14ea UV's(7 front 7 back)
1 running 15 Royal Blues on front bar
1 running 15 Royal Blues on back bar.
Problem is this...have a VDM on this tank(2 systems, full apex on 90gal and expansion apex on 155g)which SHOULD give me 4 VSP's right? Well I have CB's and UV's on 2 of them, controlled, programmed and dialed...but despite the fact that the RB's Cat5 is plugged into second VDM port I have NO control over them. turn ALL four VSPs on in phone app and CB's & UV's come on as asked but the RB's stay on no matter what. Only way to get them to go off is to unplug their respective drivers. if I simply switch VDM ports with cat5's exact same situation except the CB and UV VSP's are then reversed but still no control of RB's...We spent a good 2 hrs lat night making sure what we believe should connected to what IS...heeeeellllp