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Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
I have a question thats probably been answered a million times atleast.How do you know what kind and how many leds you need for your tanks?I have a 29" deep tank thats 72" across. I have a fixture that houses 2 T-5s and moonlights and 3 250 watt MHs. I would love to have leds instead of this fixture. Im looking to get the look of XM 20Ks. I have a spare 72" fixture that i would be willing to gut out since i dont have a canopy, for a diy type kit.Any thoughts or ideas?Will it work properly if i gutted my fixture or would the leds be to close together for good coverage?This would be going over a mixed reef.
For that deep of a tank you would definitely need to have them close together, and you would need to have good optics. I know that alot of people are going with the 60 degree, but really for a good blend I think the 90's would be good. The 60's in my opinion have a real spot light effect and well you will get a headache every time you look in your tank. From all of the dancing lights. As far as the 20k, I would do 1:1 with the dimming option you can create what ever color you want and still have the punch power to reach the bottom of your tank. Just my opinion.
Thats the million dollar question lol. I have built and designed a few but dont consider myself an expert by any means, but this is what I know. When you build one or even consider one your going to be battling a few things. One is that your going to have to use more lights then you need in order to get the coverage/spread you need, not really a bad thing as you just run them at a lower power % which is good for longevity. So in the designing of a bunch it seems that a unit with 144 3 watt leds give you all the coverage and intensity you need and you will be running them at about 25-30% power. I am not sure what your fixture is but the leds will need heat sinks to disapate the heat so I am not sure if they will fit in. I believe the cost of a 144 led setup which includes the sinks, lights, drivers, optics, optic holders and so on will run you around 12 to 15 hundred and then their might be a additional cost to mount it or install it into whatever.

Anyway kind of starting point, I designed a couple of 144 led units for eww and Dolphinlover, so it will give you a kind of picture.

If you are purchasing an LED fixture, the mfgr should be able to tell you which of their products would be equal to one of your 250w halide fixtures. Seems like many of them are rating them that way.
Alright though it is expensive initially you have to ask yourself is it worth it.

144 3w LED's x 5.00 = 720.00
3 heatsinks x 36.00= 108.00
6 controllers x 36.00= 216.00
total = 1044.00 for ten to fifteen years.

So if you figure out the cost of your halide setup and the yearly cost of running them you will find that even without the energy savings, just bulb replacement alone is double that.
Thats true. My problem though is the upfront cost. Its easy for me to save up for the power bill, and hard to save up for lighting. Guess thats a lil wierd huh.
I agree about the upfront cost. LED's really are just too expensive for most folks. I'd still be running halides had I not gotten some extra contracting work that allowed me to purchase mine.
You know how I purchased mine, I made small orders here and there, and then when it was time toreplacemy bulbs I dumped that money in with a little more to finish the purchase off.
You could probably start with half that many LEDS.

To get the light spread you can move the lights higher above the tank and turn up the intensity.

Then when you have the funds add more LEDS, just plan for it. The good thing about having lots of LEDS (144), being able to add several colors (Red, Violet, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Royal Blue) and having them blend.

You could even just start with Blue, Royal Blue, White and add the other colors in later...
You could also go with Phillips Luxeon's for half the price and still get a tremendous amount of light. Just a thought.

144 x Phillips Luxeon 3w LED's = 430.00
6 drivers x 34.00 = 204.00
3 heatsinks x 36.00 = 108.00
totalling $742.00

If you are looking at purchasing halides you are right around two thirds of that for a decent setup. So think about it, plan it out. Halides work, and if that is what you are really going for it. But for around the same price you can have a kick ass LED set up that you can control the color of, ramp up and ramp down, and get crazy colored corals from.
I just replaced my 6' fixture with another one about the end of december. Kickn myself for it now. I wish i asked this question back then but needed a fixture bad and found one fairly cheap. I seem to have a hard time absorbing reef lighting into my head compared to tje rest of you led guys. Anybody know of a good "dumbed down" article for led suggestions for a mixed reef?