Lets talk Bryopsis control....... What has worked for you?

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Somethings Fishy

Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
Not stoked to announce i have some beautiful bryopsis in my tank. i have read of several ways online of what works and am just wondering what has worked for you. Need to tackle this ASAP so wondering what methods you have used for ridding this weed from your tanks!
When I had a massive xenia farm in the sump of my 210 the bryopsis that was in my tank wasnt a problem IMO.
After the xenia was removed, the bryopsis grew out of control and the only way to get rid of it was a Tech-M treatment.

So, other than Tech-M being the only sure fire way, I suggest to those who have large enough refugiums or sump to plant some xenia and see if that helps.
We have used the Tech M method with success as well. From what I understand Tech M is the only Mg supplement that works as well. It's supposedly some impurity in the solution that kills it off.
Without hesitation, Kent Tech M. Only thing that works..Need to boost Mg level to 1700 and keep it there for at least 3 wks. some people have reported bleaching on some SPS and inverts may be affected by the high level of Mg, so might want to move to another tank until treatment is completed.
Byprosis was a PITA for me. Had to remove all the rockwork and dry them out in the sun for a couple weeks. although afterwards I found out that my GHA and Byprosis was supplying alot of pods for my Mandarins.... Blessing in disguise I suppose. I read that Kent Tech-M is really the only way to get rid of it.
Tried the Kent Tech M also and raised my Mg levels to around 1700-1800 for a month. Byprosis was gone after that and has not been back since. (knock on wood). :lol:

One more that has used the Tech M successfully to treat bryopsis.
Expensive, but effective.
ugg i talked to the lfs yesterday and they said it would kill all my shrimp snails and crabs and probably bleach my sps, have you guys ever heard of foxfaces working or with slugs?
We don't have any crabs but all our snails and our 2 large cleaner shrimps survived with no signs of ill effects. We did have some bleaching on random corals. Mostly LPS and zoas. All their color returned after the treatment. Just our experience though.

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I didnt lose any snails or cleaner shrimps, but if memory serves me correctly there are some nudis that will eat this stuff.

The Sea Slug Forum - Bryopsis - who eats this algae?

FreshMarine.com - Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch - Tridachia crispata - Buy Cheap Lettuce Sea Slug at Wholesale

I have not tried any nudis so I give no guarantee they will work.

From having dealt with this myself, I will tell you that bryopsis is a stubborn evasive algae that will NOT go away unless you are diligent, tenancious, and patience in your efforts. There is NOT a panacea for this algae; it will take time (ie, months) to completely remove it from your tank.
No loss of snails, hermits or shrimp in my nano sized tank when I raised the Mg to 1700+. SPS did a okay too. I did try a couple of those lettuce nudis and they did seem to help some but in the end they ended up sucked up by the flow and into the powerheads.

I've used the TechM treatment, twice on one tank, once on two other tanks. No loss of any shrimp, crabs, inverts, etc.

The reason I had to do it twice, on one tank, is because I didn't do it long enough, IMO. The second time around, I did it longer. I've not had any Bryopsis issues, in any tank, since.

My observations, on bleaching issues...

Yes, it will bleach some corals, BUT, they will all return to their previous color, though it'll take awhile.

Here are corals that bleached, for me.

Turbinaria Scroll Coral (1st time, NOT second...I'll explain more later)
Several Zoanthids (1st time, not second)
1 of several Pocillopora (this colony received more light than the others)
A couple of Echinophyllia and an Acan (1st time, not second)

Majano anemone bleached, but did not die...Grrr. (Only some Majanos bleached, which will be explained in a bit)

Turf Algae bleached AND DIED!! (again, only some of it....)

Okay, my belief is that the bleaching, and death of Turf Algae, is light related.

ALL of the corals that bleached, the first time, were receiving direct light. The second time, all of those same corals were moved, to shaded areas of the tank, and experience NO bleaching at all.

The Majanos that bleached, were ALL Majanos that received direct light. Majanos that were shaded, were not effected.

Turf Algae that died, was high in the tank, receiving direct light. It bleached and then dissolved. Turf Algae that is in shaded areas did not bleach or die, and was completely uneffected.

I'm almost positive that there's some correlation, between the TechM chemicals, and photosynthesis, causing some life forms that receive lots of light, to be negatively effected.

No other SPS, all of which receive direct/high light, were effected at all.
Never used Tech M.

Have used various magnesium supplements to raise Mg levels to 1600 or slightly higher and had sucess both times I did it.

Mojo Reef is the one who told me about raising Mg to kill off bryopsis. The elevated Mg levels interfere with photosynthesis, and bryopsis is a simple plant and it doesnt take much to throw off its ability to photosynthesize.

I never experianced bleaching or difficulty with corals, anemones, or clams while running with elevated Mg levels. I did notice a complete slowdown of zoanthid growth during the most recent Mg elevation period, but I'm not able to definitively state it was caused by the increase in Mg.

I used Seachem's magnesium supplement the first time, and BRS Mg 2 part most recently.

I have not had Byropsis return after keeping Foxface and barred rabbits. I also didn't have to put my mag beyond 1500 max to achieve a clean tank. Also, Emerald crabs help where the fish can't reach among the SPS.

ugg i talked to the lfs yesterday and they said it would kill all my shrimp snails and crabs and probably bleach my sps, have you guys ever heard of foxfaces working or with slugs?
My experiance with rabbitfish was the exact opposite. They were not interested in it. I even with held food for awhile thinking if they got hungry enough, they'd give it a go....no dice.

Well I done a Tech-M treatment on my tank. I keep it up over the 1700 mark for over a month. It did put a big dent into it but never killed all of it off. I still have some and its starting to make a return again. The only problem that I really seen was my Ritteri really didnt like it very well. Maybe I might have to do it again but take the Mag out. Maybe I will give it a go again if I can run and get some more Tech-M.