Lighting question

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Apr 1, 2005
St Louis
Help - Lighting question

Ok, I am setting up a reef tank. I am dealing with a 38 gallon tank. Nothing special. My only problem is, I am dealing with limited space, otherwise I would have a deluxe set-up with canopy and all the works.

I have decided that I should either get a 36" fixture with 4-96 watt power compacts, or I should get a 36" fixture with 2-96 watt power compacts and a 150 watt 10k HQI. I would like to be able to put just about anything in this tank.

Could somebody please give me some advice on the pro's vs. the cons of each. This is the only thing that I am stumped on.

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Watts per gallon isn't always the best way to decide. A lot of factors come into play, especially the depth of the tank. You could have a 50 gallon that's 18" high that would do fine with 250W halides, or even 175W. That same size tank that's built taller but not as long or wide might require 400W bulbs to get the same effect. The deeper the tank, the more power you need to penetrate the water. Also, fluorescent tubes won't reach depths like halides either; but that's usually only a problem with really deep tanks (30" or more). With halides it's best to place a light every two feet or so, wattage depends on the depth. In a 36" long tank you could get away with one halide and a couple fluorescents, or a larger sized halide alone. Keep in mind that with one halide over the tank there's going to be a lot more light available to the middle of the tank. Then again, you could always skip the halide and go with several fluorescents alone.

Hope this helps,
That helps out alot, I can get by with 4 PC's. I was worried if I get a metal halide, that I would be generating too much heat and have to invest in a chiller.
Glad I could help. Halides do generate a lot of heat, so a fan blowing on the water under the bulb helps. As long as I keep the room fairly cool I've never had a real problem with heat though.

Depending on what corals you are planning to keep, concider T5 lighting. They are bright and have great color, especially when powered with Ice Cap ballasts. Reef Geek is one of many that carry the good brand bulbs. I have MH, VHO, T5, and Compact Fl. With the exception of MH, I am most impressed with T5's in the right individual reflector.

I'll put a T5 against a CF any day. IMO better color, last longer, and brighter light with proper reflector and ballast.