live rock storage

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Mar 2, 2009
I have come across a deal on some AWESOME live rock. My tank is not yet fully set-up. My question is, how long can I store the live rock, and what is the perfect set-up to store it? Large container, salt water, powerhead, etc. I appreciate the advice-thanks.
plastic trash cans, kiddie pools or rubbermaid containers all would work fine provided you add some powerheads or pumps to move the water around the rocks. Good flow is the most important factor from my understanding temp is also a good idea. i would avoid light for awhile but if storing for a long time i would add lights to it after it has properly cycled and the water has been changed at least partially or until nutrient levels are low to non existent.
how far are you from setting up tank? might be worth threwinbg in tank some what and pumps an heater and let culture dont add sand until its cultured
yeah that would be a good idea too. if the tank is able to hold water and you can get the saltwater mixxed in the tank etc you can cycle the tank in the curing proccess before adding sand or anything else. just make sure and monitor it and do water changes as needed.
Don't forget the heater. Wouldn't want to freeze the little buggas living on and inside.

Oops, Did realize someone already mentioned the heater.
I'm with them, throw the rock inside the tank if ro water and salt is already mixed in the tank. Will help cycling. Not unless there are corals attached to the rock, then this will be another story.
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i would just get yourself a rubbermaid container and throw a heater and power head or two in there and if u have a skimmer u could throw that in there but not really required. But just treat it like it was in your tank minus the lights check ur chem levels once a week and do a water change evernow and then. cause when theres a good deal on rocks u cant pass that up haha
With a fresh new tank, I'd add the live rock to it right now, lights, current, heat, everything. Why kill off any life left on the rock by putting it in a garbage can? Yes if your tank isn't wet, I'd keep it less than a week in a garbage can if that's all you can do.
Friend and I just started curing two buckets of Live rock that had been sitting in 5 gallon buckets since April 2008. The lid was not on airtight, and the buckets still had some salt water in it during the entire period.

We dumped the contents outside for a day or two, but was very very surprised to see a live adult sized amphipod!!

We are now curing them with a skimmer, looking very forward to what else might have survived the ordeal.

I would bet on pods and some worms re-colonizing the rocks. Very tough bastards.
And it smelled like fresh flowers after a brief spring rain. Fabreeze should package it and sell it.
hehe, i'm sure there working on that on right now...
did he top up with fw at all? if not he might lose some critters... or are they tough like that also?
No, the buckets were basically sealed for most of the year. The LR had some serious salt crystals on them. Some of the live rock took on an orange hue, and the smell of anaerobic bacteria was plentiful.

We have a 200 gallon rated skimmer ( friend says it was a demo euroreef model) working on the pile of LR for 3 days now, with a power head for flow and a heater.

Excited to see what critters have survived the ordeal.
if you just place rock in water and left i in sealed buckets with no water movement and some of the water is evaropated off and its turning orange and like rust red ist good chance the coral line alge is dead and so is most of the rock there still bactiera but thats about it what a loss
Coraline algae can be reseeded, I'm not too worried. I'd rather not have too much of that growing on rock as they seem to use their fair share of Ca. The LR don't need to be decorated with coraline algae so much for me since I run out of real estate quickly it seems.
A rubber made from target or something, a power head a heater and a air stone,

you could keep it alive for ever..
just a little fresh water weekly and it will be good..
I like puting light on my Lr when its geting seeded.
people say not 2, have light because it promotes algae growth

but i say id rather have the algae out and growing b4 i add it to my system or b4 i build a system.
Would it be beneficial to add a small amount of food like once a week to feed pods and bacteria if it's a long period of time? Talking like a tiny bit of food.
IT would if where were talking hundreds of pounds, but with any other amount, once a month