May The Fish Be With You
heres a quick breakdown of the new arrivals:
clown trigger-1m/l
blue jaw trigger, male-1
verrucosos trigger-1
naso tang-1m
powder brown tang-1
unicorn tang-1s
orange line chromis-12 these are something a little different
banded (snake??) eel-1 not a moray
true percula clown-3
maroon clown-2
green mandarin-6
spotted(target) mandarin-3
finger dragonet-5 very cool, but unsure as to species
aust. banded pipefish-3 corythoichtys sp., very neat bottom dwelling pipefish
dragon goby-2
mural sifter goby-5
blue dart gudgeon-1 fairly uncommon, not a regular blue gudgeon, much cooler
scribbled rabbit-1
coral beauty-2
pink anthias-4 vauge i know, but i'm not sure as to species yet
carpet anemone-2
blue linkia star-1
cleaner shrimp-8s
asst. pistol shrimp-2
tiger shrimp-1 looks like a peppermint of somekind
feather duster-6 these are not the hawiian giant ones
sea hare-3, these guys a crazy looking, not the green ones we are all used to and they have teal spots!!!
we also recieved a tiny shipment yesterday:
nine hole abalone-2 decent size
sea hare-3
cowry-1 very cool, solid white shell with a black and gold flecked body
short spine urchin-3
red cynarina-1 nice little one about 2.5"
branching hydnophora-1
metallic caulastrea(candycane)-1 this is the really bright neon light-green color
well those are the highlights of yesterdays order..................
clown trigger-1m/l
blue jaw trigger, male-1
verrucosos trigger-1
naso tang-1m
powder brown tang-1
unicorn tang-1s
orange line chromis-12 these are something a little different
banded (snake??) eel-1 not a moray
true percula clown-3
maroon clown-2
green mandarin-6
spotted(target) mandarin-3
finger dragonet-5 very cool, but unsure as to species
aust. banded pipefish-3 corythoichtys sp., very neat bottom dwelling pipefish
dragon goby-2
mural sifter goby-5
blue dart gudgeon-1 fairly uncommon, not a regular blue gudgeon, much cooler
scribbled rabbit-1
coral beauty-2
pink anthias-4 vauge i know, but i'm not sure as to species yet
carpet anemone-2
blue linkia star-1
cleaner shrimp-8s
asst. pistol shrimp-2
tiger shrimp-1 looks like a peppermint of somekind
feather duster-6 these are not the hawiian giant ones
sea hare-3, these guys a crazy looking, not the green ones we are all used to and they have teal spots!!!
we also recieved a tiny shipment yesterday:
nine hole abalone-2 decent size
sea hare-3
cowry-1 very cool, solid white shell with a black and gold flecked body
short spine urchin-3
red cynarina-1 nice little one about 2.5"
branching hydnophora-1
metallic caulastrea(candycane)-1 this is the really bright neon light-green color
well those are the highlights of yesterdays order..................
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