Lmao !

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
i was checking the dark sice i mean RC :badgrin::lol:and i read some very funny stuff and so i thought i'd share some with my RF family since i know some of you don't go there :) .i'm a fan of the bud light commercial real men of genius :D .

Real men of genius
Mr. Sumpless Reefkeeper...

Today, we salute you, Mr. Sumpless Reefkeeper. So much equipment jammed into your glass box that it looks like the Lost Industrial City of Atlantis.

Neptune would be jealous...

Hidden closed loops, Geo skimmer in the sump and a kalk reactor placed neatly under the stand - No Thanks, you'll just hang it on the back. Who needs a fancy schmancy moonlight system, when you have that bright orange beam shooting out of your heater.

Stimulate natural spawnings...

To some, it might be a sight for sore eyes, but hey - that's their problem, because you know that it'll all be covered with coralline anyway.

Mr. Sumpless Reefkeeper...

Real men of genius
Mr. I ask questions but dont follow advice

Heres to you Mr I ask questions but dont follow advice, you ask questions like what do I need for a sebae anenome, Many people told you they dont do good in captivity but you dont listen

It is starting to shrivel

Weeks later you post questions like why is my sebae shriveling up and moving all around, my water is fine and the flourscents are on for 8 hours a day.

it is going to die

so today we salute you mr I ask questions but dont follow advice for people like you who keep little LFS in business because you go back and get another when it dies
ok 2 more :lol:

Real men of genius
Today, we salute you, Mr. Part-Time Local Fish Store Employee.

Okay, so you don't know that much about reef tanks, but you did keep two gerbils and a gecko alive for a year after your girlfriend flunked out of school and moved back to Boise.

Sure you can keep two Yellow Tangs in a 55 gallon tank. Heck, there are 14 in this 10 gallon tank, and they're all doing great! Well, 11 of them are....

You've read four or five back issues of FAMA, and things couldn't have changed that much since 1992, could they? So what if you didn't know that reverse-flow undergravel filters are the new state-of-the-art. You know now. And that article on Bio-Balls rocks!

Relax! It will take a little while for the Emperor Angel to get used to the Sohal Tangs and the Dog Face Puffer. Just give them some time. Stick a little mirror in the tank and he'll think he has a brother.

What do they expect from a kid who make $6 an hour? The guy who says you should only add one fish at a time never made his living on commission. You gotta keep those Flower Pots rolling out the door.

And you can also use the Orange Sponge to clean the glass on your tank. Just rinse and squeeze it out well before you stick it back in the tank.

So here's to you, Mr. Pimple-Faced Biology major! Crack a cold one and sit back knowing that those eight Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsels will be happy schooling together in Mrs. Daniell's Eclipse.

Mr. Part-Time Local Fish Store Employee

Real men of genius
Today, we salute YOU, Mr. IME so it MUST be so

You know reefkeeping is a universal experience on RC, so your experience must be universal. Why Newbies thank you daily for your sage advice.

In my experience, water changes are a waste of time

That's right! Just keep dosing those additives and you can go years! Except for that Tang with the 3rd eye, everything looks great! Pass the good news since it's worked for you.

Reference books are for losers.

You know they're too technical and half the time they're wrong, anyway. You don't need to look it up, do you? After all, you saw it with your own eyes, in your own tank, in your own experience so why research a reason for what you already know? Anecdotal evidence not supported by research, they say. HAH! Some folks are just anal. Just sit back and relax with a cold one. You know you've made the world a better place by sharing YOUR experience.

Mr. IME so it must be soooooooooooooooooo

anyways i thought they were really funny and the doods were creative