long tentacle PLATE CORAL

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Nov 17, 2008
spokane area
Hello! I just picked up a plate coral which I am very fond of! I am just wondering if anyone some good care tips, stories, experiences etc. I could learn from. I have done a lot of internet research but i thought it would be fun to get some advise from those with first hand experience. Thanks!
If it's a Fungia, be careful not to place it too near other corals. Keep an eye on it, because they have the ability to move. They can even move uphill...lol. Other than that, they're very hardy. You can feed them once in awhile and they benefit from it. Mysid shrimp is a good choice for feeding.
As Fishy & Sid recommend

Put em in the sandbed
Keep him away from other corals as the tentacles get long when searching for food
And I would also recommend medium flow... Mine were always happiest just below a powerhead, getting a little of the downdraft from the PH... no direct flow though as that would eat away at the tender flesh :)
I have a short tentacle little guy I picked up acouple of weeks ago pictured below. Loves Coral Frenzy and Mysid Shrimp. I feed after the lights go out.
Agree with all the info others have given. Also be aware if it positions itself under an area where snails or crabs might fall from. If it does, you may want to gently reposition it to a safer spot. I lost a couple fungia due to snails falling from my rockwork onto the coral. The resulting tissue damage never was able to heal and they went downhill fast after the injury. Neat corals, but with my clumsy snails, I just swore off them.