looking for a school

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nursing eel
Nov 30, 2004
Thunder Bay
hey guys and gals

my tank has been running for about a 6 months and I am looking to start a school of fish but I don't know what to do. I was thinking tangs or something but I wasn't sure its only a 55 gal so I don't know what I can do and I am looking to get something that will look nice any one got any thoughts
Do you have any current fish in the tank? Here is a prior thread that might help out: Schools.
I have a few damnsels but other then that nothing and I don't mind getting rid of them or giving them away if thats the case I just want to get something that will be nice and tame that won't kill each other
Hmmmm...If you are going to keep the 55 gal, then you are going to need some small schooling fish. You do want schooling fish and not a species tank right? (ie fish that will swim together all the time). When I first saw the topic, jacks came to my mind, however they'll get too big and need a lot of swimming area. I was sitting here trying to think of what cool fish I normally see schooling here in the Bahamas, and besides ocean fish like Dolphins (Mahi mahi), tuna etc and different types of jacks, I can't think of much. If it were freshwater, you could get yourself some silver dollars, however it's not. The only other fish I could say that I've seen school which is a brackish fish, but can do extremely well in saltwater is Mono's. They are really pretty fish and very active. In most books or sites I've seen they are actually classified as saltwater fish. If you haven't seen a picture of one, here it is. Hope it helps a bit and I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else. Sorry not the best pic, but an idea

I was thinking of maybe 3 tangs or some clowns but i am not sure what I would need for space and getting another tank ins't in the cards right now I am moving and i have a little one on the was so thats not something I can do but can you think of anything I can do?
I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head. The tangs sound good though. I always love seeing a group of yellow tangs. They just stand out and are very active. I love clowns too, but they aren't as active as the tangs.
I wouldn't do 3 tangs in a 55 gallon. I'm leary about 2 or 3 tangs in my 120 gallon. Maybe a small school of bangaii cardinals? and a clown pair?
3 tangs are a NO NO in a 55, maybe look into green/blue chromis, their the only ones of the damsel family that aren't nippy to other fish, they will nip at each other though, but they do well in a reef also JMO. Jeff
Check out blue reef chromis.... they are a vivid very bright blue and have a scissor tail. Lot more flash of color than the regular chromis. Two or three times the price of regular chromis, but still cheap compared to tangs.
Darklcd, the guys are right. Chromis would be a great fish. They are small and are also active. Also, they are as hardy as they come and wll eat anything you put into the tank. Why didn't I think of that DUH!!
the blue chromis sound good but how many can I get and would they be ok with a clown pair and a few other fish in there.....I was hoping to get a good number of fish in my tank. I know that it being a 55 I don't have much room but what do you guys and gals think

one of my customers tanks has 3 green chromis, 2 fals percula clowns, 1 flame angle, and cause the guy kept bitching about having such a big tank (55gal hah) and his biggest fish was 2.5 inches. so I got tired of hearing it and went and got him a 7" yellow tang, boy did that shut him up!!!!! Now he's pondering a 125gal for his office since I showed him what animal cruelty was. HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!!!! when you get chromis only get three, no matter how many ya get they always work(kill) the pecking order down to 3, and don't get the grey/yellow three striped ones, they will have every fish hiding cause they are just too nippy. Regards, Jeff

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