looking for glass hole saws (new tank build)

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
so i got my 45 gal tank/stand 24x24x18 today was looking to put some holes in the back 2 3/4 in bulkheads for the returns and a 2in drain seeing if anybody can help me out (let me borrow the tools) so i can get this build on its way i found them online ill go that route if i have too!!! thanks josh
What size bits do you need specifically? I have a couple here you are welcome to borrow if they work. One is 2-1/2" and the other is 1-1/8" diameter.
so the 3/4 in says it is a 1 7/16-1 1/2 the 2in can't find the specs.... but the tape says 2 13/16-3in
what does the outside of those guys measure??? cuz thats how big the hole will end up being!!!
The measurements I list are the outside of the bits. I think they are for an 1-1/2" bulkhead and a 1/2" bulkhead but I couldn't remember for sure.
found the one i need for the 3/4 bulk head just need the bit for the inside of the hole saw still looking for the 2in drain
If your bulkhead does not come with what hole size you need, just measure the inside diameter of the gasket. Don't go bigger. Bigger can cause a leak. even if the gasket fit's over half the hole in diameter. Once you tighten up the nut the gasket will get pulled in causing a bad seal.

You can get hole saws at Glass Hole Cutters - Glass-Holes.com dope aquarium stuff for a good price.
That is a very very large drain hole. Are you going to flush it like a toilet to do a water change ? lol
Seriously Why so big for a 45gal tank?
biggers better returns = 1 1/2 in so a 2 in drain is what i plan to do more room for upgrades if i decide to do a high flow tank for crappy sps corals toilet joke haha
I dont think it is a bad thing. I have just never seen a large hole for a drain on a tank that size. So doesnt that mean you must also increase the return lines?
Bigger means not having to worry about a small object plugging it.
I am using a 1-1/2" on my new 50. used the same on my 40.
Returns lines don't have much to do with the drain size. Only the return pump and drain size need to be taken into account.
I am using a 1-1/2" on my new 50.

And when are we ever going to see any pics of this "new 50" Martin? I've heard about, I've even seen the glass but a tank??? Nope, no tank yet... :D

Now back to the issue at hand. It does seem rather large to have a 2" drain on a 45 gallon tank but at least you should never need to worry about overdriving your drain with too big of a return pump :D
well looks like i got to go online thanks for the info ill post on this thread when i get my toys in the mail ..... maybe some pics as well
Sorry bud, the one I have belongs to Rhodes and were on the east coast. If your locals don't have it I recommend glass holes if they have the size your looking for. It will be cheaper to buy a bit then have a glass company do it anyhow.
FWIW, carbide holesaws are cheap @ HomeDepot, then you have them.

i have one already there pos ordered some online getting the real deal thanks for the suggestion tho big ol drain not gonna get clogged 2in drain all the way
so an update sorry no pics so i got the toys in the mail the 3/4 was spot on the 2in was way too big they sent me the wrong one they sent a 3in instead so ive been waiting and waiting now their saying there on back order so i was kinda thinking to dumb it down to a 1 1/2 in drain anybody got a holesaw with some life left on it would really like to have it ready for new stuff this weekend got my aquaticlife leds super sweet color all blues so if you got the bit let me know thanks